pointer or setter owner and only hunts them on feathered game = classic pointer setter person
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
I think someone would have to read the book to understand the context in which this was written...
a hunter not fronting up to repeat a flukey wondrous shot is not being a wallyl...the situation in which we sometimes manage to execute extraordinary shots cannot be easily, if ever, replicated...like two birds with one shot, nothing overly memorable about that (unless the birds are woodcock) but how often does that happen...and when you start in on percentages and average this and average that, what does that mean for me, I ask myself...if my dog retrieves a duck, a pheasant, a quail, a hare and as I have a more than average expectation of him to do so and if that expectation is what I base my dogs work on, then what is wrong with that...he is filling the freezer with wondrous delights...I am not going to slap his ears for executing a retrieve that brings in the bird...whether no one sees it or not and as I hunt alone 96.4% of the time, we rarely have witnesses anyway...so if I was to brag about my bitch's extraordinary work on a totally memorable find of a bird, then you just have to take my word for it because it is true...but it would be even more extraordinary for us to ever repeat that find...
Last edited by EeeBees; 16-09-2012 at 07:40 PM. Reason: just cos...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
That torpedo want meant for you EesBees as a knock -tongue in check really for Upnorth Uplander and the rifle thing wasn't meant for hunters but long range shooters but I suppose it can flow over anyone who says my blah blah can or does this but never let it be seen to show the fact its correct and does actually happen .Talk is cheap
In this case Upnorth says his dogs work just the same with no training on birds for 8 months -sure but to whose standard ? "come and trial"
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
hey victoria, Jim had my dog for most of this season, did you and him go for a hunt this year
No, not this year unfortunately...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
haaaaaaaa Bushie who ever you are thats funnyshit in saying that mine currently looks after mine in the week too
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
your as bad as me Z -your Pointer lives with your very good mum up north and your other one lives with Pointer in Gisborne, you only have a cocker don't you ? you dont run them cause use is too lazzzzyyyyyyy bro lol
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
my pointer that you have seen lives up north during the off season and my 2 cockers live here with me, i sold the other pointer to the guy in Gizzy, my dogs get run every day on a paddock above the marina and at the park down the road, part of my job at the marina is walking the entire place at night so my dogs get walked then too
my mummy( as bushie has put it) likes the security of having a dog live with her, Patch will bark at anyone who comes near the place and as my mum lives alone it gives her time to grab the shotty...lol
Last edited by upnorth uplander; 20-09-2012 at 09:46 AM.
Great job Z , lucky find close to home and no pressure -except if some A holes turn up !!!
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question