Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
The average level of the lake as recorded on Thursday 28 March was 0.55m
The lake is CLOSED to the sea.
Q: When was the lake last opened?
A: 15 December 2012, opening level 1.08m. Closed 21 February 2013, level 0.51m. The lake was open for a total of 68 days.
Q: When will the lake next be opened?
A: Between 1 April to 31 July the minimum level the lake may be opened is 1.13m. The amended Water Conservation Order for the lake does allow an opening at any level between 1 April to 15 June but our current resource consent does not permit this. A new resource consent, that will be jointly held with Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu, is currently being prepared and will include the ability for this ‘any level’ opening. A Protocol Group made up of different organisations try to reach consensus on when to open, or not open, the lake. If consensus is not reached then the final decision is made jointly by Ngāi Tahu and ECan.
The next level update will be sent out on Monday 8 April. Please do not hesitate to contact Dan or myself if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
PO Box 345, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Customer Services: 0800 324 636
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Leigh Skerten
Senior Engineering Advisor
Environment Canterbury
Mobile: 027 549 7715