Big good looking hound alright! My GWPXGSP seems to know how to just make amends for the bad stuff 😎
Big good looking hound alright! My GWPXGSP seems to know how to just make amends for the bad stuff 😎
look out r93- if gspf sees this shot hell be over bloody otira like a shot .BTW-sure the bugger hasnt got a bit of d9 dozer in his bloodline.
got a jaw on him like a 36 ton excavator bucket!
bloody geese look primo eaters -makes me dribble looking at em!
He's solid. My last dog was big as well and we still use his neoprene vest. I have to get a new one as I can't zip it up around him anymore.
I just finished cleaning the birds up.
One, I am assuming is the one that went spastic as the dog got to it, has a few canine holes in its back.
Only it's wing was broken as far as I could see. So he must have got rough with it.
The geese here have no pattern to them. Very hard to setup on.
We have been out half a dozen times and these birds are the first we got a shot at.
We have had mobs of 250 birds coming into a paddock. Setup the lay down blinds the next morning and not even have a bird fly over for a look.
Only to find they have landed in a paddock a few kms up river. Very frustrating.
But I rather shoot and eat a couple geese over any number of ducks any day.
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Last edited by R93; 15-06-2018 at 01:04 AM.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
ah thw qwiley buggers luv to keep a man guessing .Igot word of a couple of mobs upmoonlight way but when it came to lookand shoot nup reckon the buggers were on holiday at club goose ellesmere.!!
actually since that debacle of a cull a few years ago most geese now seem more paranoid and twitchy if anything new appears in their ranges.
must agree though a couple of nice plump canada breasts with suitable lubricant can really mellow a mans view of the world and even the other half if she hoves in vision suitably clad!
Numero uno for me is a big juicy canada goose salami -one of them in me guts and whoa even a knot hole in a fence paling makes me springy!!!
ah the wiley buggers luv to keep a man guessing .I got word of a couple of mobs up moonlight way but when it came to look and shoot nup reckon the buggers were on holiday at club goose ellesmere.!!
actually since that debacle of a cull a few years ago most geese now seem more paranoid and twitchy if anything new appears in their ranges.
must agree though a couple of nice plump canada breasts with suitable lubricant can really mellow a mans view of the world and even the other half if she hoves in vision suitably clad!
Numero uno for me is a big juicy canada goose salami -one of them in me guts and whoa even a knot hole in a fence paling makes me springy!!!
BTW talkin of goose recipes -heres mine -slice ya breast thin cross grain and stir fry .remove from pan keep warm .chuck a diced onion in and cook it grab ya favourite seasonings and a little liquid and make yaself as blokes gravy. beer is an ideal liquid -after all chefs do say if its drinkable its ideal to cook with. Rght take some hot dog buns slice em layer the goose then onions and ya gravy over the top.
take one in each paw and scoff em before every other bugger including ya dog does .wash down with ya best ale
sit down
fall asleep ful ltum &happy as a labrador in a butchers shop!
I havent tried whacking with trusty old Maxwell as we do with venison steak....might be worth a bash????
great to hear you enjoyed the feed.
If I was to eat it so fresh again I would trim out all the sliver skin and bash it to ensure it was perfect.
It wasn't chewy but just on the verge.
I put it down to being so fresh.
A few days hanging/chilling would have it perfect I reckon.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
They also taste nice sliced thinly and cooked in olive oil with salt and thym sprinkled on top whilst it cooks.
Cooked fast no more than five minutes. Then out. You really get some lovely flavour. I'll post a recipe on the food post.
Ps yep that's a smug dog all rightlooks like he just ate the cat that got the cream
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Lovely looking dog. I like his "don't dick with me look" and nice that he's a good worker.
Nothing quite as satisfying as a dog who can, will, wants to and won’t give up. When they show their character like that, staunch, up for it, its a bloody good feeling for man and dog eh.
Awesome, nothing better than watching a good dog work.