I've never seen a ranger.
I've never seen a ranger.
My real dad has been shooting 30yrs he said hes never seen a ranger either.
I have been seen by doc rangers once while white baiting. They suck ass coming up on their boat interrupting me but I like that they were out checking people on the river. More of this should be happening in our small town.
I would like to know just what the cowboys do with 100 or 200 ducks...I sure hope they show enough respect to the birds to eat them...
edited to add...and I suppose these very people would be the first to wah wah about DOC doing one of their search and destroy in choppers on the deer or anything else on four feet lurking in the wilds...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
A lot of work going on in the USA, UK and Europe about this. UK for example has really recognised that super-phosphates and intensive farming has drained wetlands, changed water ph and general habitat loss. Reading the posts people are saying this has gone nuts here over the last 10-20yrs. I suppose that is correlated to population expansion, industrial scale dairy farming, increase in immigration and tourism which in turn results in the same issues the UK has suffered from. In UK they are breeding and releasing ducks, establishing private ponds, reflooding dams and really big into game management as a result.
the biggest indictment on this current governments attitude to pollution is the 400 million irrigation fun looking to double farming out puts . compared to the 40 million to clean up the mess of intensive farming and town and other business waste.over the whole country.??20 million of that was only put up this week for our 4 worst polluted areas waituna te waihora kaipara and i just forget the other.![]()
I would argue that the USA treats it's land worse. We may not like irrigated dairy farming but at least the cows are outside eating grass. In the states they are locked up in intensive feeding units fed corn and antibiotics. You can just imagine the effluent stream coming out of one of those places and the insecticides they dump on the farms in order to grow the corn in the first place. NZ is better although I would agree it's still not good.