Ye gods, where is the love ?
People are entitled to their opinions, misguided or not.
Resorting to calling this person names and the rest of the homophobic nonsense is not doing the "hunting" community any good either...
I hunt, and I compete in shooting (target) sports. To me shooting animals is either for food, or for pest control. I do not shoot animals for fun or sport. If I want to shoot something for fun, it is targets, pinecones etc. That is just my value system so I do get what he is talking about (partly)
Some of you have no fcuken idea about how hunters are viewed by urban folks, and the sad reality is that is the majority of the population. We had a 15 year old girl on a MSC bushcraft course this weekend, and she genuinely listed "hunters" as one of the risk factors on her trip planning form...
Instead of resorting to name calling or thinking that anyone with a slightly different approach must be gay, how about inviting a city kid out to a farm, or arrange a hunt where they can be exposed to ethical hunting...
Right, rant over
