Got him home, Had a quite word to him. Told him that $1100 bucks in vet bills is a shitload of roosters!
Got him home, Had a quite word to him. Told him that $1100 bucks in vet bills is a shitload of roosters!
Good to hear he made it. How long before you're out slaying roosters with him?
What was the verdict pointer?
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Vets couldn't find a thing. Today I see something hanging out of his arse so I call him over and stand on it. With a yelp 8 inches of shade cloth comes out with a bit of blood. I'm hoping that was the issue
Tell ya what Gibo I've never been so happy to see a pile of dog shit covered mesh in my life ☺
Where do you think he picked that up from?
Who knows, he is a complete guts so it doesn't surprise me one bit
Oh that is great, Pointer...glad to hear he is on the mend...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
WTF!!!! It's meant to be raining and windy!!! I better have not got up at 4 for another calm days duck shooting. Though we've been doing alight considering its been flat calm everyday we have hunted
Has anyone managed to train a dog to only eat on command
My Lab hoovers his food and other shit so fast it often near chokes him
Worries me a lot as he is with me round bait stations many hours each week - he hates his steel muzzle and It’s hard to have him on a lead in the bush
I had one episode where he got violently ill - so I suspect he ate a rat or mouse - Vet said I was lucky cause he didn’t need drugs
My GSP won't touch meat/food scraps unless I give it to her, even if she's "out of sight". All but one exception, she'll go get an apple off the tree and lie in a sunny spot and eat it. Usually only a couple a week though.
You can put a fresh chunk of mutton/beef/venison on the chopping block right in front of her and she'll sit back and watch it, but won't even go close enough to sniff it properly.
Yesterday I boned out and bagged up two deer. While throwing scraps on the floor by the killing house door, she just sat watching me, waiting for me to give her a piece.
Don't ask me how I achieved that though!Maybe it stemmed from just me being on her case as a pup and saying "no" if she as much as sniffed something edible.
Bit off topic, maybe you want to start a new thread to discuss dog stuff?
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Glad to hear he is on the mend jim, my new bitch ate a warm chicken frame the other day and was laid up with a sore guts and in not very good health at all, gave her water for 12 hrs and she came through fine, just been feeding her dry puppy food since to give her stomach time to get right, had her out on the deer for a few days and she is all good now.
My entire spanner pack is out of action with heats as is Bella so down to 2 dogs for the next few weeks.
Glad he's feeling better mate. Hopefully that's the end of it!