Who's excited about duck shooting tomorrow?? Hope everyone stays safe and has a good time and if your down south, hope you don't get too many protestors!
Who's excited about duck shooting tomorrow?? Hope everyone stays safe and has a good time and if your down south, hope you don't get too many protestors!
Yes I am extremely excited about roaming around all my paddocks putting wounded ducks out of their misery, as I was last year, and the year before that. I'm also looking forward to the obligatory news report of "drunken idiot shoots mate"
I also look forward to finding piles of dead ducks thrown down banks or into farmers paddocks after all the "look how many ducks I shot and lined up on the bonnet of my ute because I am an alpha hunter" photos have been posted to Facebook.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Your page been hacked by antis Ryan? There's always a few rotten eggs in every bunch, seen plenty of unused or poorly disposed of pigs and deer too.
To answer the OP's question very excited and good to go, as soon as work finishes.
Some "bunches" seem to have quite a few more rotten eggs than others. Mark my words, by the end of the weekend some idiot would have shot some poor bastard. I'm sick of it every year there's ducks flapping around with broken wings etc, every year I find piles of dead ducks just dumped somewhere (trying to find my post from last year with photographic evidence of this)
Every year the companies that make alcohol seem to push their brands as if duckshooting and getting shitfaced is something that goes hand in hand (don't give me that "oh but I am a golden boy and we only get the beers out when the shotguns are put away" because that may be true for you but it's not for a LOT of others)
Need to get rid of the whole gamebird season thing and make it year round so there's no rush of mad idiots making an event out of opening day, it's the same as all the blokes that rush out for their one hunt of the year on Easter weekend and shoot someone in the Bush, happens every year. Its a shambles
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Yep @7mmTom. Just got back from paddling up the creek in my canadian canoe loaded to the gunwales with deks and a short stepladder to sit on amongst the carex in my chest waders. A low limit here, but am looking forward to it. Dogs had a recce around the swamp and we set up a spot for wheelchair access for my para mate.
@Ryan_Songhurst.We're not all killers and wasters. I have never wasted any of my birds, always hunt with good dogs and lose sfa wounded.
Roll on the OpeningGood luck all genuine duck hunters.
Go back to pumping effluent into the rivers or whatever you dairy farming bunch do
as mature as you blaming us for the stupidity of them giving licences to every fool who can pass a loaded test and wants to go duckshooting.
wounded birds can travel a long way and the reason i hunt the lake for opening rather than the river now.?
is i got a better chance of getting my woundies with a follow upshot where i can see them down tthan in the gorse and shit of the river.
but once i get another dog im back into anything anytime everywhere.
spose id be a bit jaded of i had to look up cows gungers twice a day for hours at a time.
relax calving time soon oops
re your last year arseholes are in everysport you can thank magazines tv shows for the shoot them all
dont care once you have behavior of some idiots with guns.
any hoo excited yes wheathers not gonna be ideal but cloudy and 9 mile NE/NW at least .
cool to untill 11.00ish
hot barrels full gut dry arses and a band to everyone.
Last edited by gsp follower; 04-05-2018 at 02:52 PM.
Here we go, here's last year's efforts from some idiot who decided my paddock looked like a good spot to throw all his/her dead ducks. What a waste
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles