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Thread: 1080 KILLING FISH

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel

    Makes you wonder doesn't, We know 1080 cause infertility and testicular effects on animals according to our Own Ministry of Health.
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  2. #137
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
    Attachment 29610

    Time to be frightened when they remove the buffer zones from around our waterways.
    This stuff has been going into our water a spreading through our food chain for 60 years.

    All is not lost though our kind friends in Australia have offered to help out. We just have to send the word they tell us.
    Last edited by Scribe; 04-10-2014 at 02:53 PM.

  3. #138
    Join Date
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    HaHa thats good of them. They are a bit slow though. I "helped them out" quite a bit when I was shearing over there in the eighties. Luckily my strike rate wasn't very high. 1080 could be a single guys best friend.
    I am glad 7mm that you did your best and got a head start on the Aussies. When this become better know we are going to see no end of shit. Seriously though we may even have to offer NZ as a leave centre for Aussie Footy teams on RnR.

  4. #139
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    Name:  Sunday Star Times.jpg
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    Our Cartoonists are onto it this week. From the Sunday Star Times
    veitnamcam likes this.

  5. #140
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Unfortunately only 16000 voted for the Ban 1080 party and the bloody Councils are poisoning easy trapping areas also.

    There seems to be nothing we can do to stop the shit poisoning our paradise.

    This is the crap going on here near our river.
    Name:  picture 3332.jpg
Views: 373
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    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  6. #141
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Unfortunately only 16000 voted for the Ban 1080 party and the bloody Councils are poisoning easy trapping areas also.

    There seems to be nothing we can do to stop the shit poisoning our paradise.

    This is the crap going on here near our river.
    Attachment 29766
    Oh, come on. That was March. And not 1080, and there is a box un-ticked. They weren’t even trying.

  7. #142
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Oh, come on. That was March. And not 1080, and there is a box un-ticked. They weren’t even trying.
    Still pisses me off,I can't even pronounce that last poison. The willow trees are looking good at the river. Now is the time we usualy go hard with spotlights on the coons. Moonlit nights with fresh willow leaves growing.But there are bugger all possums left.
    @Scribe if these possums poisoned by the above poisons not 1080 and fell in the river. would the trout eating the insects ,maggots etc be infected.
    @Tahr we have a tray of trout fillets here next time your over. Swap ya for a tray of venison
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  8. #143
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Still pisses me off,I can't even pronounce that last poison. The willow trees are looking good at the river. Now is the time we usualy go hard with spotlights on the coons. Moonlit nights with fresh willow leaves growing.But there are bugger all possums left.
    @Scribe if these possums poisoned by the above poisons not 1080 and fell in the river. would the trout eating the insects ,maggots etc be infected.
    @Tahr we have a tray of trout fillets here next time your over. Swap ya for a tray of venison
    I haven't been up for a few weeks because it's lambing. But I will get some venny to you when I get one next. Off after Tahr in a couple of weeks.
    Dundee likes this.

  9. #144
    Join Date
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Brodifacoum is a bad one 'Dundee' The Regional Council poisoned Rangitoto and Motutapu Island in the Hauraki Gulf

    That poison spread right down through the food chain. 300 pukekos and 250 paradise ducks they cleaned out. A lot of baits dropped on the cliffs fell into the water and were eaten by fish which in turn were eaten by seabirds that washed up on the Coromandel Coast here.

    Several hundred penguin were handed in dead after the Operation. DOC said starvation, But when finally forced to test them they found that 43% did contain brodifacoum. You can probably still google "Brodifacoum drop on Rangitoto Island and find the texts.

    Brodifacoum is far more persistent in the Environment than 1080. A few years back a truck load of it went into the sea at Kaikoura.
    3 years later the shell fish were still loaded. I have the papers for this somewhere.

    Worse though is it persists in animals such as wild pigs for up to 3 years. Pigs caught in the Marlborough sounds 3 years after a brodifacoum drop were found to be still loaded. Wild pigs clean up all the dead possums rats and dead birds so they are very susceptible.

    Aerial drops of Brodifacoum on Mainland NZ are illegal for that same reason.

    Bait stations are supposed to be safer but cattle eat bait that has been scraped out on to the ground. Pigs eat poisoned possums, Morepork and weka eat poisoned rats and mice.

    Insects seem to be very fond of Brodifacoum. If you investigate the bait in the boxes that have been out for awhile you will find it crawling with insects.

    You just have to Google "Brodifacoum Drop On Rangitoto Island" Dundee

    Campbell Live makes DOC squirm when he catches them out lying about testing the penguins for Brodifacoum poisoning.

    Cyanide we have used for years without problems. I fed my dogs possum carcasses that have been cyanided for many winters.
    Last edited by Scribe; 06-10-2014 at 12:04 AM.

  10. #145
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    You could see the lieing bastard squirmming.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  11. #146
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    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    You could see the lieing bastard squirmming.
    When tested 43% of the penguins were found to contain brodifacoum.

    We still hold birds in our freezers that washed up on the Coromandel Peninsula. DOC were not interested in collecting them though when they heard we were they put there own parties out to scour the beaches to get rid of them.

    A lot of dead birds have been collected by our groups on the east coast of the peninsula in early winter this year from the brodifacoum drop on Mercury Island. We have to arrange to have them tested overseas as we can no longer trust the NZ authorities.
    Last edited by Scribe; 06-10-2014 at 12:44 PM.
    veitnamcam, H&K MAN and Scouser like this.

  12. #147
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Unfortunately only 16000 voted for the Ban 1080 party
    Probably because most people realise you need more than one policy to be worth putting in parliament?

    Not saying it isn't an issue, but I don't know that forming a political party is the most effective way of getting people in power to actually think about it.

  13. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    Probably because most people realise you need more than one policy to be worth putting in parliament?

    Not saying it isn't an issue, but I don't know that forming a political party is the most effective way of getting people in power to actually think about it.
    Yes 'Gravel Ben' We still think it was worth it. We got 'Ban 1080' on the ballot paper and that for us was worth it. We had a hell of a problem registering the party. The powers that be put every obstacle they could up to stop us. In the end it was in the hands of the Legal Beagals and we got there.

    Its the way we got Clyde Graf voted in as the Waikato Regional Councillor for Coromandel. Single issue pretty well. (No more 1080 in Coromandel) Everyone knew what he was standing for.

    With such a short time left ( two days before registration closed) we went into the election ill prepared but we will be well prepared next time. We lost a lot of potential votes to NZ First who fielded a strong anti 1080 candidate in Richard Prosser (Good on Him) Winston has already attacked the Government over poisoning our trout eels and fresh water crayfish since the election.

    A single issue party is good in many ways. They have nothing to trade away as so often happens in coalition Governments. (I will forget about this, if you back me on that) United Future have been good over the years, its thanks to them we have a Game Action Council that has some influence.

    All is good though. But you don't roll a 300 million dollar a year industry without a long drawn out dirty fight.
    outdoorlad and veitnamcam like this.

  14. #149
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Fair enough, some good points there.

    Personally my vote would (and did) still go to a party representing a wider range of my interests, but you're obviously well aware of the pros and cons of doing things that way so good on you for having a shot.

  15. #150
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    We (mrs and I) split our party votes. 1 to 1080 and the other elsewhere. I would like to think my 18mnth daughter could walk into the bush anywhere and not fear for her health in her future. just my opinion of course



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