Hi guys
Opening weekend , fizing with excitement round here/school holidays off to the shop on Friday to get a couple of new rods, gear , licence etc thought we where all set got over to the pommy Friday arvo & shock horror the river was turd brown !! yet we haven't had barely enough rain to wet the drive in 3 weeks so opted for another plan carried on north for the clutha , really nice place to camp though there was plenty of lightning & thunder way in the distance didn't worry us to much though as we had enough time to light the fire cook tea & get some milk worms , pluss plenty of fish were rising rite infront of camp , the girls were at me to put the rods in but iv gone soft these days "didn't want to break the rules" so we settled on a few bourbons instead & went to bed.
Alarm set for 7 woke upto no rain or wind but very disappointed the river was dirty still the girls wernt to worried still having fun so cooked breke , tossed the lines in but I wasn't surprised that we had no bites so I suggested we go back to another spot downstream that mite not be flooded (sidestream) so the youngest started winding in her rod & bingo a fish grabed it ..only small but it was her first so we were very pleased.
next we setup in the side creek that was running clear managed onemore a bit bigger than the first & the bonus was it was the other daughter that caught it so all was well in the world again.
Hope everyone else had a good weekend.Cheers.