Mickey Duck - yes have tied a wet fly above the lure to a swivel - but lost too many fish after a hook up - early in the season aggressive trout snap at the fly biting through the main line. My kayak mate has experience the same. We use 8-9 lb line. All fun.
never had that and I use 5-6lb line.... maybe try the fly the other way..eg running on main line...it is a right beitch to land them in net if you not super careful and aware of other hook....
leaving your tassie running on main line makes a huge difference too...trout cant throw hook using weight of lure.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Around Twizel years ago we use to shoot a few black rabbits in winter.Take a strip skin fur one inch each side of the spine.Gave you a 2 inch wide strip of long black fur.That winter strip you could make buitfull black rabbit lures for night fishing the Tekapo river mouth at night.This was yrs ago befor they took all the willows trees out of the Tekapo river,especially around the river mouth.Id use a Winrod Heritage 8-9 rod with a 8 lb tippet.Use to get some big hook ups on a black night,sometimes land a 8 to 10 lb fish,4 to6s more common.
This is what happens with an angry trout is hooked - giving the hook a workout - seems to happen early in the fishing season when fishing from a kayak.
If the position of the fly and bubble are reversed it will work better; the float at the far end. A weighted nymph on a 1 mtr dropper instead of a dry works on lakes. Fill the float with as much water as it will take and not sink. Cast out and draw back so that the nymph rises towards the surface ( just like a real nymph does) then pause to let the nymph sink and then draw in again. Tie the nymph dropper 1.5 mtr above the float
Remember me to your children and grandchildren when no one else but your family are catching fish.
Not exactly what you're talking about, but I have tied wooly buggers and killer style wets on small softbait jigheads and done quite well with them
I have had a lot of luck on the galloups butt monkey fly on my spin rod it has enough weight to cast without splitshot.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
@Trout - something like this? A Black Mamba tied on a Tiemco TMC 5262 hook in #6.
Another good lure for night or day fishing is a size4 black marabou lure.The marabou feathers are so life like drifting thru the slow river mouth current into the lakes.
I havnt tried it with spinning gear but my go to fly for wetlining rivers is the Rabbit. I use either orange or yellow body during the day, green going into dusk and then either red or black after dark.