Caught a few with the family last weekend in Taupo, tried jigging from the kayak which worked well.
Caught another 3 off the Waipakihi last night.
Yup, browns. You're doing bloody well on Toepaw getting a 3kg rainbow in the lake .
I haven't been fishing this year, mainly due to the fact that I live in Jaffaville.
Got down to Rotorua last week and fished a few of the rivers. Fishing was difficult, galeforce winds in abundance and only caught three for the week!
One wee 2.2kg rainbow ended up in the pan, the other two I'll catch again next time.
No pics as Im a lone fisherman.
Custom knife dealer
Authorised Nitecore Torch Retailer
NZ Distributor of Nano-Oil
Finally got out for my first fish of the season. Went to a close local spot that gets a lot of traffic but still managed to pick up 7 on the nymph including this nice hen
From '97 - '00 I worked with a Sth African bloke in Scotland. We terrorised the Highland lasses, and a good few thousand trout. Havn't seen him since them days, but he arrived here a few weeks ago. We've played around in the Ruahihi canal and Waioeka River with no real luck. Today we hit the Ngongotaha Stream, saw plenty, but no luck. Back down to the mouth and he was chuffed to land a 58cm brown(he literally dropped a second similar from his hands), and a 54cm rainbow. We didn't have scales. Good craic though.
Thought I should add to my above post detailing the gear he used. Clothing consisted of a pair of Croc like things on his feet, a pair of K-Mart type shorts, a cheap long sleeve polyester t-shirt, un-branded baseball cap. Rod is a freebie given to me by neighbour, a Taimer 4pc 9ft #6. Reel, BFR RimFly given to me already spooled with an unknown floating line. Fly was some harling fly he found in my trolling lures. That's it, none of that fancy, expensive, trendy shit you can't catch fish without.
First double figure trout for the season
Upper Grey river
650mm long 90mm wise
Awesome thick fish
My dog was mucking around diving and looking for trout.
I landed a small rainbow for the plate.
River is getting very low.
Landed another decent bow on the "joe fly".
Photo bombed by the dog
Few good feed will come from this one.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Had a few days on the Tongariro, early this month, landed 20 plus fish, impressive evening rise, normally getting several trout, on the dry each evening.
best fish, touch under six from the bridge pool, swinging a woolly bugger, early in the morning,
Been using my new Epic fiberglass rod, 6 wt, real impressed, super nice to cast,
Very few trout about here this year, not like last year when I was catching two a morning everyday by 5:30 am on a dry.
Got one last Thursday ( solid 4lber, photo ) and thought I would have a few more photos to post by now. Seems like trout just haven't followed the whitebait up the streams this year ??
Anyway due to a deficiency of trout a cobber and I shot a deer on Thursday evening and floated it down the river 'old school' to the wagon whole. Gutted it where we dragged it out put on the 'Game Gear' cape and carried it head and all to the wagon. Attracted quite an entourage of eels.[ATTACH]
Wee caddis worm doing the damage on a nice fiordland rainbow after work before the weather goes ape shit
Caught my PB Brown trout off the kayak at Karapiro, just using the good old black and gold toby. No scales to weigh but guessing around 4.5lb. Caught a few Rudd earlier in the day with the kids aswell.
Finally managed to upload the picture.
Can I claim NZHS first trout of the year? or can anyone beat a lazy 12pm hen or two?
Both fish 1.6 kg from the TukiTuki (some cock dumped 150m3 off effluent making it unswimable into my local so I’ve had to head inland).
Picked up 5 in total for the afternoon with a couple being sardine material and another at 1kg. All good fit fighting fish. Not one jack for the day either.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds