Spent a bit of time in the 1410 today. Had to take two crews out so that all the family members got a turn
Couple of brim caught, massive fight with a stingray and lost a bloody good trev at the boat, hook just popped out
Here's one for you rig fans, caused a lot of excitement with the youngins !!
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Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
Sounds like I am taking the father in law out this weekend.
Havent heard many/any snapper storys of late they seem to be well in spawn.
Hopefully get a couple tho, close water temps dropped away and haven't come back up yet so I wont burn fuel trolling for kings unless I hear they are back between now and then.
He always comes at the worst time of year lol. Come in Nov or Jan Feb.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Any Kingie over 30kg is a bloody good fish @Dorkus
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
You might as well its cheaper than its been for months.......unless off course you filled up here
WTF, I reckon someone's gunna be in big trouble !!
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Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!
Father and son moment... He's very very good I was bloody lucky
Nil durum volenti !!
That's not a cray,THIS is a Cray!top hole stingers.
Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out
The crazy thing is , there were two more bigger in the crack took the small one and one big bugger I could reach. Have seen easily over 100 crays the past three days...a good number undersize which is fantsitic for the area and some monsters that I'm not keen on pushing for ...the result of prospecting and having the pleasure of diving with my lad!
Short story...kings at the pass nothing large took one at 80 cm to eat! Was full of small squid! We have hit most of our known holes so went hunting ...blew 4 tanks on turf that look the part but was empty or just rolled into shingle ...caught the odd cray here and there ...then yesterday hit a couple of spots that I will milk for years to come...one is a rock the size of a caravan split right across with viewing windows all over it ...you could see the crays big medium small but not a chance of reaching them 30 + crays I counted ...then at one side and one end were holes that held the outsiders which we fished ...we didn't slaughter them either taking just the three two from one end and one from the side.
Went in search of the "prick" a hole/rock you either hit and get a couple off or miss and get nothing..missed got nothing ..up after 10 mins the boat man says he's marked a rock whilst following us looked good. Down on it to diver heaven huge huge blue Moki 20 lb + swimming mirrors , real kelp not just short seaweed , holes and cracks everywhere then the cave of aldin ...small crays , takers , and I would quietly say 4 - 5 crays from 6- who knows lb , the one I lucked on to went 10 and there were more than one a third bigger than him. A simply amazing dive with my son! Left us both, grinning and sharing a moment that I will hold dear for the rest of my days.
Nil durum volenti !!