Dad txt me up Thursday " wanna go fishing sat? Gotta burn some fuel before it all goes stale" Yep I was keen and said " How bout we take a diver?"
He was bloody keen for that so got a hold of @stingray and of course he was keen as always.
Forcast slowly worsened friday and friday night to not so flash sat morning......well it was alright but not ideal for what I had planned, we tucked up in virtually the only spot out of the wind and had a fish....very sharky.....drifted a patch of sign and quickly got our limit of blues.
Up to secret spot one and Joe was quickly back up with one smaller to spot two dropped him in and drifted off setting a long line....back up with another cray and a bloody decent butterfish!
How the hell did ya catch that with no spear? Im just that good mate!
Spot three payed dividends and that was the diving done.
Bit slack on the photos but limit cod and crays and a few gurnards sharks and a butter.
Cheers Joe Dad is stoked !