News on TV tonight, considering all of that.
hmm that sounds remarkably like lock down the country to eliminate a certain virus thinking.
75/15/10 black powder matters
A months gone by and have a guess what’s happened???
Come on tell us
Still closed and it’s been estimated that it won’t be open for 2 more weeks (for a temporary solution). When open access will be restricted to between Thursday-Sunday because of a lack of available regional council and talt staff. It’s a bio security nz notice so not sure what it’s got to do with these other agencies as bio security issues the notice so they should fund/provide the necessary resources, but no doubt they are having numerous hui in Wellington to discuss. I’ve asked why the bolder barrier on the road reserve can’t be removed and why the wash station can’t be manned 7 days
An email sent to F&G’s CEO remains unanswered. I am hopeful that the new minster of hunting and fishing might be able to help…..
Just to update you. There is still no wash station in place so you have to go into Rotorua to a car wash and squirt your boat with a water blaster and take a photo. Such bullshit. When you get to the ramp there is a chain across it and you have to show the woman (who was “on duty” a photo of your trailer being washed.
The ramp is like a dump site as there is a pile of rocks there and the jetty has been pulled out. The lake is very high (like it’s been many times before). The jetty has just been dumped at the end of the road…
Maybe TALT and RDC are going to put a floating pontoon jetty in to replace it? Does anyone know?
If not then it’s just another move to close our access to the lake and to make access hard so that we give up
The below just came through from Fish & Game. I thought that this sort of carry on had stopped under the new Government. How can the this Trust close public access to this lake when its via a legal road and the publics right of access to the lake for recreational use is Guaranteed under the Te Awara Lakes settlement legislation??
We need some answers from the new minister for fishing & Hunting
Lake Ōkataina closed until April 29
We have been advised by Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust that boat and watercraft access to Lake Ōkataina will be closed from Monday at 8pm until Friday 6am until April 29 2024.
We understand concerns from iwi about the potential spread of the gold clams to the Rotorua lakes. We also recognise some anglers will be extremely disappointed by this decision.
Ultimately, the decision about limiting access to the lake has been made by Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust. Fish & Game New Zealand had no role in this decision.
Barrie Barnes
NZ Fish and Game Council
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
There is nothing anywhere about this new closure, not even on F&G or the lakes trust websites? BoPRC website and Rotorua Council the same, nada?