The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
With string normally. I dont bother with this trick anymore
For marlin i use a cable tie with a rubber docking ring on it. Can rig the skippys up and chuck em in the tubes. When youre ready just hook through the ring and in she goes. The cable tie gets pulled up tight. Them rings are tough as fuck but a marlin with ping a fish off em if you dont give them enough slack line
Did you get the wairoa wonder to draw those for you by any chance?
I use kahawai that I catch on lures
I keep them alive in my tuna tube and stack them in up to 10 at a time
a hook just in front of their top fin the size of the hook depends on the size of the live bait I use both J hooks and circles both work with the J hooks getting spat a little less often
its a ton of fun watching a kingfish climb all over a live bait
If im slow trolling then I hook them in the top lip In their mouth and out the top
or use a zip tie as above
I have had no success with docking rings as they dont seem to release as needed when the fish is swallowed and all you get is a scaled kahawai
so Im going to change to rubber bands
tow them just in gear as slow as your boat will go along edges of rocks, harbour mouths, or shallow structure
Ideally i have a live bait rigged and ready to pitch at a moments notice
If you want to target deeper fish or structure bridle rig and put a large ball sinker on the top of the hook
they go straight down then
bridle rigging makes the fish last alot longer meaning you need alot less live baits which is great when they are hard to catch, so its worth learning
easiest way is big zip ties cut on an angle to make them sharp forced thru the cartilage between the eyes without puncturing the eyes then attach a rubber band to that
and loop the rubber band directly to your hook
when the kingii takes the bait give him plenty of time in freespool or very light drag to swallow it otherwise you will pull the fish out of his mouth
Im moving toward setting the net deep the night before and getting the mullet out of the net still alive so I dont have to muck around chasing kahawai around
it hasnt quite worked as planned just yet
A sweet trick I learnt was if you have live piper and shit loads of kingis around. Run a long, thin bait needle down their spine. They don't live long like this but it doesn't matter much cause any kingi will be crawling over each other to eat the piper doing the funky chicken.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Exactly what it sounds like. A biggish sewing needle for 'sewing' your bait fish onto the hook
Buy Live Bait Needle Pack online at
I just go to a sewing shop, anything fishing costs extra, same with bobbin for pr knots
I just use the $2 ball of rubber bands from the warehouse.