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Thread: My son came out the closet today...

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    i spent 4000 hours plus just on duke nukem 3d (inc expansion packs etc)
    i still went hunting, never got into fishing that much though
    may a suggest you get one of those glue on packs for x box play station etc that makes all the buttons look like male "members"
    if he still keeps on playing its a lost cause
    Really 4,000 hours only on Duke, with keyboard mostly...I like video games still, just do `t play that often now. But, I did spent lots of hours on Tanks 8bits, CS and Call of Duty series.
    So be it

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rabbit View Post
    Really 4,000 hours only on Duke, with keyboard mostly...I like video games still, just do `t play that often now. But, I did spent lots of hours on Tanks 8bits, CS and Call of Duty series.
    yep, so ingrained in me i kept saying "shake it baby" to women, not oy mention " damn, i'm good" and "come get some"
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  3. #33
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    He needs support in his decison not a hammering . Just let him do what he wants. Camel to the well scenario.

  4. #34
    Member viper's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry about it. This generation of kids are different to ours. They have different forms of entertainment, social interaction and things to worry about.
    Like @gonetropo I have spent 1000s of hours playing games on various platforms but still love to hunt and fish on a weekly occurrence.
    You bring them up to be independent individuals and they will gravitate towards what they are into at the time.
    I have one son who hates fishing but enjoys a hunt and another who was actually a bloody good little fisherman but has totally stopped . His choice .
    Limit the gaming time as it bloody addictive and keep offering every now and then to take him for a fish.
    rewa likes this.

  5. #35
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    take his friend instead. if jealousy won't prevail then maybe he need's something else to do like a team sport
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  6. #36
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  7. #37
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trapperjohn View Post
    Get a DNA test done.
    GOLD! 3 min's after the ops post
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    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  8. #38
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russian 22. View Post
    take his friend instead. if jealousy won't prevail then maybe he need's something else to do like a team sport
    This is you key to the door.

    Ask his gaming mate want to go catch a fish…if he’s any type of normal lad …hell yeah …

    But on the odd exception, just sit down beside them making up new stayline rigs , talking fishing , and making up gear …nothing like a tackle box of shiny shit to attract a young fisherman. That and a few photos to back up your yarns!

    8 yrs , he’s only a pup..I lost my daughter at 14 a mad keen fisherman one weekend , opening scallops , gutting fish , making the days tucker and filling the thermos.

    The next weekend mates going to a place to hang out …

    6 long years later …apart from the odd visit…VC takes her out in his boat whilst I fish with gadgetman and his daughter…catch’s a few snapper and boom she is back..now every weekend of good tide or weather …..Dad “what’s the plan “ !

    Put the bait out there they will bite!
    MB likes this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  9. #39
    MB is offline
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    All good advice, thanks. Just to put it in context, at his age, I would have stayed out all night in the middle of winter waiting for that one bite that rarely came along.
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  10. #40
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    Maybe tell him that the game is always there but his family wont be. I have a lot of time spent on games, I stream them too, but id never put them above an opportunity to make memories with people who are getting older. As Black rabbit has said, if there is a deeper reason and hes using games as an excuse there must be a way to still involve him.
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  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Greetings @MB,
    At your son's age I probably would have been into video games if such existed in 1957. They did not but I was into reading in a big way. Fishing can be an acquired taste and 8 year olds seldom have the patience for it, well not for long anyway. At about 8 years old a next door neighbour gave me a Daisy air gun that someone was throwing away at the tip. I used to shoot all manner of objects using bottlebrush seeds instead of BB's (cheap and available). I even made up a target to test its accuracy. Later I was taken on an overnight trip into the Kawekas. All this developed into a lifetime interest into the outdoors, hunting, rifles and later hunting but fishing never really stuck. You could try exposing your son to all the outdoor pursuits plus some .22 shooting on the range starting on a rest. Metallic silhouettes are great for this. Hopefully he will develop more interests away from video games over time just don't be disappointed if fishing is not one of them.
    Regards Grandpamac.
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  12. #42
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    @MB, this is my nightmare, but also, I imagine, my fate. Like you, at 8 years old I was completely obsessed with fishing. Far more so than my father, uncles, or anyone else in the family. My dad was actually a video game designer in the 90s. He kept wanting me to play video games, because that was his thing. I kept wanting to go fishing, because that was all I cared about until I discovered girls. I know I disappointed him in that regard. All I can say is that I appreciate him for taking me fishing and supporting me in my "odd" obsession. In return, I would occasionally agree to go to the arcade with him on Saturday afternoons.
    stingray, Micky Duck, MB and 1 others like this.

  13. #43
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    If you are in a position to , try him on a suitable trail-bike (moto-cross) .Works for my son , and he was totally obsessed with gaming (still is ) but at least this gets him outside and 'living-life' . Also had to laugh at LostYank ... puts another perspective on things . Even at my-age , I find I could easily get addicted to gaming , so I keep away...
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  14. #44
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    I'm sure he will come around to some degree.

    He still has to go camping when the family does.

    I'm not a fan of video games or the hold they have over those who become interested .

    But, I'm on my phone again on the forums.

    I'd rather be hunting or at least in the bush

  15. #45
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MB View Post
    All good advice, thanks. Just to put it in context, at his age, I would have stayed out all night in the middle of winter waiting for that one bite that rarely came along.
    at similar age,my parents and sibling practically had to drag me off wharf at Kawhia kicking and screaming....sitting there fishing was just heaven for me....shooting rabbits with the .410 on the farm came a close 2nd.

    any updates on how this is progressing/panning out????
    Moa Hunter likes this.
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