"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
The article that sensationalist headline links to is from 2011 bro, and likely nonsense
So we have stopped killing Kiwi Kea and rock Wren with 1080 since then?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
There has never been a single reported death of a Kiwi through 1080. Ever.
All of the 89 Kiwi deaths referred to were autopsied by Massey university. Circa 90% were stoat deaths. The autopsies are sophisticated, to the extent of being able to identify traces of stoat saliva on the Kiwi. Not to mention the obvious bite marks and ripped out necks. The others were accounted for through other factors. None were poisoned.
There has never be a REPORTED kiwi death by 1080 because they have been covered up.
There will be a book released pretty soon that will shed some light on it.
I am not for or against 1080. And I do not get all wound up over it like some.
But I am positive there was some monitored kiwi killed, in one particular drop around 8 yrs ago.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Produce the evidence, and name the double talk?
The Grafs' says that there is a cover up. Well, they and their supporters' spend plenty of time trudging around the bush and finding dead birds and deer (which I accept as being truthful), why haven't they found one of these poisoned Kiwi and published their own autopsy results?
I totally accept that 1080 kills birds as a by-kill. I am saying though that I am not aware of any evidence of Kiwi being poisoned. If you are, stump up.
So its not working on the Stoats then?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
It would work better if it was dropped every year.
It works wonders the first year after a drop (very high Kiwi survival rates), less so the second year and back to high mortality after 3 years. And disaster thereafter.
Graf's hypothesis is flawed because it assumes annual applications, which is never the case in the Tong/National Park forrest.
It's a one way street @veitnamcam
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Don't really see why kiwi would ingest 1080 except by accident. Cant see them getting secondary poisoning from their food either. Kia on the other hand have been hit hard.
Any aerial drop poison will have by-kill it's just the cheap nasty way to apply. The new electronic traps and poison applicators should reduce that to almost no by-kill and reduce the issue with re-infestation. I doubt they will be using them in any number soon, they cost more and don't kill the deer and pigs.