I got my NZUA Basic in 1980 and dived local and tropical (Fiji and Vanuatu) sites many times during the 80's and 90's. Then had a spell of not diving much, got into other things like competitive shooting. Got back into diving due to a new friendship in 2005 and advanced to Technical Diving, initially mixed gas OC then did an SCR course and bought a rebreather. Did a lot of very comfortable rebreather dives on wrecks and stuff in a very short time and then my buddy went commercial Sat and I drifted out of it again. Sold my rebreather but still have a couple of twin-sets and slings, nice dry-suit, all gathering dust
When I saw the heading "Doppler Divers" I thought it was about using doppler to listen to the off-gasing sounds in a divers bloodstream. A technique actually used in diving medicine...