in this day and age people should know better...the days of pissing up with bangsticks still out n about are long gone.
Feral behaviour and pretty messed up.
I take it there are shared huts on DOC land for hunters. That's something for everyone look after it.
It only takes one person to fuck it up and spoil the party.
Either these twits are scared of the dark or are scared to get their Weiner's out under lights. Pathetic
Guys got issues if he’s pissing on people in there sleep. That’s some weird behaviour just blows my mind some muppet could do something like that. I just don’t have words for it
@257weatherby when he finds the cunt
What are you all talking about??
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
So it doesn’t look like it was hunters! Just to be clear. Really as side before let it go.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Te Puke Thunder
Bloody trampers eh.
I think we need a tramper licensing system. Pages of background checks and paper work asking question like:
“would you piss on someone on the top bunk?”
“What about the bottom bunk?”
“what if they were on fire?”
“would you wank on endlessly about your membership for forest and bird all night?”
“Do you feel morally superior to other backcountry user groups?”
“Will you trigger your epirb if you run out of couscous?”
“Would you use all the hut firewood and not replace any?”
and a waiting time for the license of 1 year plus. Also endless articles in the media pointing out every possible negative thing a tramper might do, public safety must come first, we don’t want these people being trusted.
It's a vaccine side effect. We the unvaccinated are not allowed to cross the door step of Doc huts