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Deer food:
Broadleaf / Kapuka / Griselinia littoralis
Bushmans Friend / Rangiora / Brachyglottis repanda
Crown Fern / Kiokio / Blechnum discolor - Whitetail
Five Finger / Whauwhaupaku / Pseudopanax arboreus
Seven Finger / Pate / Schefflera digitata
Stinkwood / Hūpiro / Coprosma foetidissima
Pepper Wood / ??? / ???
Whiteywood / Mahoe / Melicytus ramiflorus
Wild Irishman / Matagouri / Discaria toumatou - Fallow
??? / Karaka / Corynocarpus laevigatus - has a poisonous seed in its fleshy orange fruit
??? / Tītoki / Alectryon excelsus – contains cyanide-producing poisons
Bushmans Lawyer / Tātarāmoa / Rubus cissoides
Cutty grass / Toetoe / Austroderia
Blueberry lilly, Inkberry / Turutu / Dianella Nigra - (purple) berries poisonous
Gorse / ??? / Ulex europaeus
Hookgrass/ ??? / Uncinia spp.
Kangaroo Apple / Poroporo / Solanum aviculare, S. laciniatum – their unripe green berries are poisonous
Kowhai / Kowhai / Sophora species – its yellow seeds are poisonous if chewed.
Leatherwood / ? / Oleria colensoi
Mousehole Tree / Ngiao / Myoporum Laetum - has poisonous leaves
Spear Grass / ??? / ???
Stinging Nettle / Onga Onga / Urtica Ferox
Tutu / Tutu / Coriaria arborea - just about every part of the tree (roots, bark, berries) is poisonous
Usefull / Medicinal
??? / Koromiko / Hebe stricta - eating young leaves is a remedy for constipation
??? / Kowhai / Sophora spp.
Dock / ??? / ??? - treatment for Onga Onga sting
Flax / Harakeke / Phormium colensoi & tenax - pulp of leaves & roots, heated, use for infections and boils
Manuka / Manuka / Leptospermum scoparium - leaves made into tea for fever, ash for dandruff
Mousehole Tree / Ngiao / Myoporum Laetum - repel sandflys and mosquito by rubbing the leaves on your skin
Pepper Tree / Kawa Kawa / Macropiper excelsum - toothache, upset tummy
Pepperwood / Horopito / Pseudowintera colorata - leaves & tender branches steeped, use for chafing, wounds, bruises, cuts
Rata / Rata / ???
Edible (human)
??? / Hinau / Elaeocarpus dentatus
??? / Karaka / Corynocarpus laevigatus - flesh of berries, seed is poisonous
??? / Kiekie / Freycinetia banksii
??? / Tawa / Beilschmiedia tawa
Black tree fern / Mamaku / Cyathea medullaris
Cabbage tree / Ti Kouka / Cordyline australis - center of the head of the tree ,the base or pith(the white bit) of the spear like center can be eaten raw
Fern root / Aruhe / Pteridium esculentum - carbohydrate, root cooked, then beaten to remove hard outer skin
Sow Thistle / Puha / ???
Suplejack / Kareao / Ripogonum scandens - soft tips are edible
Watercress / Kowhitiwhiti / ???