That was October last year, I’ll definitely be going back
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Lucky- NZFS didnt take over Noxious Animal Control til 1956 with the passing of that Act.Taking over from Internal Affairs Dept who previous operated out of seasonal tent camps in the main.FS immediately commenced constructing their animal control hut network so my best guess would be circa 1958-60ish
taken about 1974 Ahuahu valley.
From memory was a derelict house. Mates black lab named Champ.
Hard case as I fenced mangaohane for nearly 30 yrs and never made it right to the hut as always had something well before we got there.
Its nothing to sit on the top bluffs and watch 40 deer out on the horse clearings.
They knew they were safe as a good hike down to the creek and plenty up the top to ping!
We stayed alot in smythe's hut hunting or working and would often run into the Sturgeon brothers up there as well when they needed to restock the larder!
Happy times
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
Thanks for that posting.
Hunted the Ahu Ahu Valley from 1967 onward for a few years until it got too well known. If it is the old house I remember it was on a reasonably large flat still clear of second growth. There was a stand of mature macrocarpas IIRC behing the house? There was an almost derelict swing bridge across to the flat. If it's the same house one end where the fireplace wasn't too bad, the other half not so habitable.
Almost got shot further up the main valley. We were walking thru manuka and approaching the edge of a small clearing with exposed papa face. Dickhead on the other side of the stream fired a shot that slammed into the papa about 2 metres ahead of us. I immediately fired a shot into the air. Subsequent abuse of them ended up with no reply or apology. They had most likely come in from the road that ended way up the valley, not via the Wanganui River.
We used to cross the Wanganui River using a 2 man kyack which had its moments.
I remember the old farm house and old man macrocarpa trees down the Ahu Ahu valley , we would come in from Kai Iwi and camp up stream on a small flat where the large creek entered on the left and did a few trips around 1970 , usually a few pigs and deer on the flats .some of the side creeks had good hunting ,had a few interesting moments with the wild cattle as well .
Many of the ridges had old fence lines totally overgrown with scrub , you had to feel for the farmer who had spent the best years of there life trying to make it , but like so many others had to eventually walk off there land .
Bealey Spur... a classic musterers' hut.
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First pic is The Rats nest..Greenstone.
Second pic is Steeles crk hut Greenstone.
An ol mate inside Cartwheel hut Blue Mts.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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I don't think this counts as a hut maybe? I found this last month in careys creek. I think someone was having a bit of 'bushcraft' fun there over the summer period. Probably not legal. Was a bit annoyed that it was built in an area I like to stalk for goats, but at least there was no trash. Not a single beer bottle or can to be found. It also rained soon after I found it so I enjoyed the shelter with a big spider.
man thats interesting I spent 8 years at lake as a ranger early 90,s I knew of 4 private huts down the lake but not one under Panekiri