the best way is to use carbide or ceramic shears i googled it LOL i am picking they wont be cheap but will last ages.
the best way is to use carbide or ceramic shears i googled it LOL i am picking they wont be cheap but will last ages.
Thought I'd give the thread and update.
I recently scored a Kawasaki jetski hull off trade me for $1 (dumping the unwanted parts cost $30), it was a shit load harder than expected but I finaly managed to remove the top half and rear third, leaving me with this which is to be the hull of the boat, havent measured it but its around 2m.
I sold the yamaha 15h and scored a 4hp evinrude, This is a bit less grunt than I wanted but it just mean I can get him in it younger then upgrade later
The guy I bought it off said it pumped water sweet, I got it home and chucked it in a barrel of water and cranked it up, started fine but I wasnt convinced it was passing enough water. I shut it of and ended up rippin it to bits. Long story short the water jacket was chocker block with shit but there didnt appear to be any heat damage so I decided to throw a new seal kit and water pump impeller in and a good clean up.just gotta get the prop gear case filled and I'll spark her up again.
Im also doin a test run with the kevlar.
Building a cover for my air horn solenoid on my Hauler.
Just put the second layer of cloth on...aint guna be a pretty job I might try ironing the cloth before I do the top/rear of the boat.
Hey Mucko yeah I gotta take it down the boat shop get him to fill it save buying a whole bottle.
I rang him a while back, lifes been crazy busy ill make it a priority in the next few weeks. how long till you move on?
I just had a thought...... Have you tryed it in the water with the outboard on yet?
I reckon building some small sides on top of the hull could be prudent, my ski used to sit at that line and granted it had 60l of fuel a bloody big twostroke injected triple and a jet unit but all that weight was in board not hanging off the arse.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I havent had the chance to do the fiber glassing yet so the arse end is open, Ive removed a shit load of weight consider Ive taken off the top layer and the middle structure and only going to be adding a light weight top and arse, the motor is about 20-30kg and driver wont be over 50kg and it will only carry about 5l of gas. I'm prety confindent by the time im finished with driver and all it wont be heavier than the plain hull that didnt even have motor, jet unit, large feul tank, 2 adults.
Get cracking then i want to see a Vid of its maiden voyage
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Making progress, got the arse end and transom braces in. Sourced a couple of fuel tanks from Bunnings at $10 a pop saved a bit of coin, thought I was gunna have to get a little custom tank built.
Anyway motor fits good coupla small jobs and she'll be in the drink for a test run.
Long way from complete yet, but the kids can't say "power boat" let alone operate one so plenty of time.
Me thinks you might be using the kids as an excuse too make neat little boats for dad to test drive .
looking good so far .
Test day finally come around today, my brother came over and fitted a camera on the front pointing back and also set up on the jetty with another camera.
Took me ages to get going as I still havent quite got the fucked up throttle/tuning system susd but we got there in the end.
Didnt have the balls to get me on the plane, I did a timed run along the top of the lake and she clocked in at around 8kph or 4.5 knots.
Might look into upgrading to 8-10hp.