[QUOTE=MB;1658701]Everyone misses the point. The management of Te Urewera wasn't given back to Tuhoe. Te Urewere was given to Tuhoe. It has effectively ceeded and is no longer part of New Zealand.[/QUOTE)
If so why $2 mil of taxpayers money getting tipped into the circus?
The local iwi have ground shooters operating 5 days a week in the Raukumaras. Apparently it is inhospitable country. Well cullers were doing that for yonks before there was a new woke vocabulary. Ground shooting can never compete with aerial operations. Once the NW Ruahines were opened to aerial recovery it quickly spelt the demise of the old fashioned culler. That came from the mouth of Gary Sutton a ground based culler. Sure a chopper might not get all the animals but they are a more effective tool for animal control. No ground hunter can compete with a 500 hovering and having both shottie and 223 to use.
From the Tuhoe website:
Te Urewera ceases to be a national park and is vested in itself as its own legal identity. Te Urewera will own itself in perpetuity with the Board to speak as its voice to provide governance and management in accordance with the principles of the Act.
There is an incredible history of violence and sadness in and around the Urewera. I recall in my NZFS days certain areas were verboten entry by us, places of past tribal killings, sacred area like Mt Mangapohatu as examples Then the trageda of Rua, his brother and the temple; the wars of TeKooti and similar raiders, the obscene slow murder of the misdionary Volkner and of course von Tempskey and his mercenaries. Troubles and undercurrents at Ruatpkj, Minginui, Taneatua, Ruatahuna and other areas have persisted for at least 70 years of my own adult life unfortunately and there exists mixed feeling within those same communities ongoing. Perhaps time and inspired leadership that might devolve from within the Urewera board and Tuhoe and Nz gov't to bring peace.
IMO the introduced flora and fauna have massive value if managed as assets within the area and formally writing this into law would be of great benifit. E.g. Mallard duck, canada geese, rainbow and brown trout, pigs, bees, lucerne, certain exotic tres with useful nectar production, possible cropping or horticulture in the hanimahihi type locations.
TOO sad to watch it as it is now.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
As a general rule I would hope that all Taxpayer provided monies are accounted for and transparent audit processes are employed, wherever our precious funds get spent.
Tui ad anyone??
An OIA request to ministet
An OIA request to The Director General of DoC with cc to Minisyet and to Ombudsman should get the full breakdown accounting for x years. 20 working days to respind. If ylu get bs then write again to Ombudsman and cc to Serious Fraud Office.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.