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Thread: Westland clean up

  1. #31
    dog chaser distant stalker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Doc must be happy with cleanup progress said the turnout of volunteers exceeded expectations and not taking any more from mid august (we were organising a group to go and help out)
    Tahr and Gibo like this.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Why, oh why,
    Was a dump ever allowed to be established within a bulls roar of a Westland river?????, whoever would approve the site in the first place, the local council has a lot to answer for here! If it'd come from a farm, there'd be all sorts of Bureaucratic grossly overpaid shiny arsed council wallahs screaming blue murder, not to mention the Resource Management lot as well!
    Good on the volunteer lot and the locals for their bit, as someone else said, the Govt, the Council, and the army should have been in there from day one!



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