I think of it as keeping fit for life. For me the best thing(s) I have ever done for fitness are going to a muscular skeletal specialist to correct muscular imbalances. Getting a proper strength and conditioning coach - not some 19 year old with a polytechnic certificate but a real one - my guy has worked in and with international level sports teams, trains one of our elite armed response units, is an expert in hand to hand combat and is a firearms instructor. Started to read and listen to Dan John who writes and speaks about fitness for the average and not so average person better than anyone. Then finally buying Tactical Barbell Strength and Tactical Barbell Conditioning and applying the principles and templates to my training. You won’t get a better methodology/programming to work from. At 54 I’m the best conditioned and balanced I have ever been across strength, strength endurance, cardio and high intensity cardio I’ve ever been in my life.
Fitness is kind of a hobby for me as well and I want to keep as fit as I can for as long as I can within the obvious confines of age and time. Hunting is a bonus!!!!
I trail run 40-50km a week, and 3-4 gym sessions a week at low-medium intensity as my cardio is taken care of with the running. All my running is done to and from work so it doesn't cut into family time too much.
I had a big change of mindset in 2016, I now find it unacceptable to be unfit and I hate going more than a few days without a blowout.
If you want something for home then get an assault bike, I find them good for cardio, 20m, 30m, 1hr max cals etc, they're not just sprint machines.
Jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle has been keeping me fit so far this week.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't piss off Geologists.
I find this a way to get fitter....
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Yes, its that time of the year. One minute its a clean paddock nek minute you drive by and they are a week off flowering!
Hauling 50m of hose up steep hillsides and then sidling along to snot blackberry seems to work all the musclegroups![]()
Walk (semi fast) from the sofa to the beer fridge.
Repeat as required.
Just watched this vid on how to exercise to strengthen the heart, increase longevity and improve fitness
Well worth watching:
Biggest improvement for fitness I’ve had is a diet change this year for auto-immune health reasons. Pretty much the Paleo diet with a few more restrictions so not much fun. Used to do 5-6km runs on the treadmill and be buggered after. Didn’t run for a few months after starting the diet and jumped on the treadmill again one day and did 10km without feeling like I’d broken a sweat. Home fitness I use one of the HIIT apps on the phone, plus a couple of local hill climbs when time allows. Energy levels out hunting have certainly improved, just endurance that will need constant work to improve.
I walk up and down a 27 aside concrete pit slinging cups for bloody hours every month...50 milkings a month thats a lot of walking!
Do at least 4hours daily walking on a river bed.
Climb into the Ruahine Ranges at least once a month when i'm not slinging cups and that is a differant kind of fitness.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Part of my training to have strong legs, back, lungs, and mind