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View Poll Results: Should scalping on the forum be banned

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  • Yes and repeat offenders banned

    9 14.75%
  • Yes and ban repeat offenders/low post count accounts

    10 16.39%
  • Yes but no bans.

    3 4.92%
  • No

    20 32.79%
  • I don't care

    19 31.15%
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Thread: Ban Scalping on the Forum Poll

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    South Otago
    I voted ‘no’.

    Why? - because if the price was too high people wouldn’t buy.

    If a buyer relists something on here that they had bought on here I would expect the original seller to speak up, likewise if on RetardMe.

    I’ve bought quite a few things on here, the prices were fair and good. If they had been cheaper of course I would have rubbed my hands in glee - but nobody was asking more than I thought was a fair price - in fact just about all were better than fair price.
    Micky Duck, berg243 and Stocky like this.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  2. #32
    Member Tui4Me's Avatar
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    An item that's in high demand/low supply always results in exorbitant prices.

    There have been times where i've had to literally bite the bullet and pay a lot more than I have had to in the past - but i've been very glad to have had the opportunity here to do so!

    I know those members could have got a lot more on Trade me.

    It's part of the reloading game and typically comes around on a 3 year cycle. That's life get used to it.
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  3. #33
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Lol, don't be ridiculous, who gets to decide what is and isn't too much? Answer, the seller decides what's right for him to part with ownership, and the buyer decides if it's worth that to him.
    199p, Beaker, Woody and 1 others like this.
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  4. #34
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    "Communist" is the new social media catch word and mostly used out of context. Most who use the term wouldn't know what communism is.

    No matter what the political bent or persuasion, society still requires some sort of regulating. "No rules" is a fools paradise.

    But I don't think there needs to be a rule about pricing on here.
    When you're getting into price controls, that's when you know you're going to be queueing for two week old cabbages in the not too distant future.
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    When you're getting into price controls, that's when you know you're going to be queueing for two week old cabbages in the not too distant future.
    You want to know about price controls?? - Muldoon (you know, National and democratically elected) was a master at that (price controls) and I don't recall queuing. And nowadays its not an issue anyway because I grow my own cabbages
    ebf, BRADS, 257weatherby and 5 others like this.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Home - mainland nz, actual - Auckland
    Maybe we should also have the opposite control as well.
    If someone is offering to sell at a, seemingly to cheap price, the admins should step in and ban them.
    Just think of the ramifications for @BRADS and @Ryan_Songhurst, they wouldn't sell anything, and be banned for it as well

    For me - a seller giving a accurate discription, a offered price, a buyer saying yes I'll pay that. A deal done.
    mikee, Woody, Tommy and 2 others like this.
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  7. #37
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    at end of day the buyer decides what they willing to pay.....if you just happen to look in cupboard and discover two pottles of unicorn turds and someone willing to pay what ever price to have them....where is problem???
    if however you bought off here from another forum member and then jacked price up to resell...or WORSE STILL and in my eye the ultimate insult were given something by member and then sell it on...well thats just a shit house thing to do...no law against it...but its a shit house way to behave .
    in past Ive been lucky enough to be gifted some neat things,if no longer needed I consult the gifter before moving them onwards...
    my bro in law sold us a car cheaply,for same price a mate of mine sold it to him....when we sold it we made $400 over what we paid for it...so gave bro in law $200...he thought we mad...but it just felt right.
    making a quick buck of others generosity is poor form.

  8. #38
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Good luck to anyone trying to make a profit on here lol , more often than not items sell at well below originally listed prices & if they don’t sell they end up on TM , we don’t need more rules the government are making enough of those for us all .
    veitnamcam, 199p, mikee and 2 others like this.
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  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stocky View Post
    This is not a new rule precedent as links to personal trademe listings have been banned for ages as it doesn't benefit members or the community.
    I am not really going to change my mind. I have not seen much in the way of scalping here, and I dont think I will. If I do, it is a simple remedy- I wont buy it. There is only one person to blame for supporting scalpers- the person who buys it. If no one buys it- then the problem goes away.

    As for 8% we this is not an auction site or a advertising site. It is more like a digital pub where many come to spend time and sometimes buy something that someone else is selling. Most scalpers prefer auctions as it pushes the price up. Here one of the rules is asking price must be in the listing. So firstly the seller will attract comments suggesting they are over priced etc.....and secondly with the price already listed- the buyer knows what they are getting-

    If you want to make a dent in scalping try addressing the exorbitant costs to ship rifles around the country....

    It is simple supply and demand, and if we remove demand price drops....
    Micky Duck likes this.
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  10. #40
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    It is interesting that a significant portion of the posters in this thread think that scalping is a fair practice. As mentioned earlier, Buyer Beware.

    I've bought some boots once, through this board and I was satisfied that the seller was genuine, and the price good.

    Now I've seen, how many think, it's OK to scalp, I will not buy from or through this board again.

    (Excepting the one seller who's demonstrated value and honesty)

    There's a reason that Trademe vets it's members so thoroughly.

    I might be getting old and stupid, hankering for the days when men had honour, and women were glad of it, but I've never seen so many folk. that think a little, or a lot, of dishonesty is a virtue.

    Have at it.
    Bill999 and Moa Hunter like this.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Have voted no.
    But I do understand where stocky is coming from.
    I would think to difficult to administer etc.
    But with reason call them out "YES".
    Moa Hunter and Micky Duck like this.

  12. #42
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    It is interesting that a significant portion of the posters in this thread think that scalping is a fair practice. As mentioned earlier, Buyer Beware.

    I've bought some boots once, through this board and I was satisfied that the seller was genuine, and the price good.

    Now I've seen, how many think, it's OK to scalp, I will not buy from or through this board again.

    (Excepting the one seller who's demonstrated value and honesty)

    There's a reason that Trademe vets it's members so thoroughly.

    I might be getting old and stupid, hankering for the days when men had honour, and women were glad of it, but I've never seen so many folk. that think a little, or a lot, of dishonesty is a virtue.

    Have at it.
    you have mis read what has been said.......folks arent saying scalping is ok.......more that we all grown ups and if you silly enough to buy something way over priced...more fool you.
    one thing trademe has done.........its normally first port of call to see what current price for item is
    Ive seen plenty of sales on here,and thought to self...man thats cheap...very few way over priced and only one from memory with silly claims of guns ability,and it was called out as BS statement.

  13. #43
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Ffs we are already living in a nanny state without having it permeate in our forum
    GWH, mikee, BRADS and 3 others like this.

  14. #44
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Yep, a bunch of homos alright.

    We may as well ask Cindy to moderate on here for us and tell us how we can and can’t roll.
    Nathan F and GWH like this.
    Dan M

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    there are some fucking awesome dudes on here and I hate to think that scumbags trying to inflate prices (take advantage of peoples desperation to enrich themselves) will drive them away/replace them/come join their scumbag friends here
    tattoo parlors and bars use the same trick for not becoming the place that the white supremisists/nazi hang out
    move them on otherwise this will be the place where they all come to roost
    and then you are swimming in them because no one wants to hang out at the nazi bar
    I saw it slowly happen on the old forum where it just got more and more toxic that I stopped going to it

    plenty of ability to scalp on trademe and get screwed with fees but the listing here is free and really do you want to be encouraging more scumbag shit or less
    Danny and Stocky like this.



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