what's a race gun?
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what's a race gun?
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
"Such is life..." - Ned Kelly
I'd been told that the non PNZ affiliated clubs were being bullied into getting in line
I had an idea what 3 gun involved but holy moly the you tube clips are the shit. ME WANT!! makes clays look decidedly YAWWWN haha.
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.
How much pressure was put on? Did you just tell them to get bent?
Interesting, I was under the impression you had to be affiliated with PNZ or you can't have pistols. Would it be a bit cheaper or do you have good sized club fees. What about range certification?
That's a whatchamacallit! Isn't it?
It's not actually enacted in legislation, but from what I understand it is very difficult to get your club recognized and the police hate you for it.
I can imagine Mr plod wouldn't be happy.
That's a whatchamacallit! Isn't it?
Last minute update. 3gun Nationals at the Hokitika pistol club this weekend.
That's a whatchamacallit! Isn't it?