I believe "The one who shall not be named "got his account and posts deleted, so that is not impossible to do.
I believe "The one who shall not be named "got his account and posts deleted, so that is not impossible to do.
Nope, the idiots posts are still here, I just looked.
My bad
lumberjack?????? was the closest I got to working out who that piece of pondscum was....
That's one side of the coin. The other is the argument in favor of keeping everything so that the keyboard warriors who become completely unhinged do not get an opportunity to "sanitise" their posts.
To me, the ability to edit / correct your post for 30 minutes (or whatever it is), followed by it being here forever strikes a reasonable balance.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
I think the internet was a mistake.
I think Fawls' cartoon of some days ago sums it up best:
Yes, absolutely they do exist on the forum. What I meant was that I admire posts where there are photos of the end use of the animal as well as the field action all on the same post. That is what I meant by 'photos of dead animals in isolation' where only a dead animal is shown in the post ( in isolation).
I am not intending to seem over sensitive about dead animal photos, just pragmatic about public perception of hunting sports. Look at how many Rodeos have been stopped by animal rights groups who think a bull is really harmed by being ridden.
I disagree with the assertion " there is a segment on here etc. and that they make a fool etc." I contend that it is the members that loose their tempers and attack the person and not the post that disrupt the forum. If we can accept that happening as normal in any group of people sharing their opinions, the forum becomes a great learning tool for those of us not well versed in online debate.
To control what topics are posted is an attack on free speech and freedom of expression. Would you have us give up those rights voluntarily to censorship?
As far as my own posting and thread starting have a look.
And my best wishes to the OP in their future path
It would be dead as fuk. A lot of the peoole that constantly whinge about the off topic threads are quite happy to point out that everyone should only be posting hunting and gun posts and they dont even do it themselves. Heres a gun topic to discuss sorry if its been asked before what gun is the best what scope is the best what bullets should i use whats the best calber for me for hunting....