rod -seems the communication highway was non existent here.IN my POV if hed made some sort of blue wouldnt it be both logical and polite to at least phone you explain the situationand try to reach an amicable solution.
in fact that applies to all options mentioned.
me -well bluntly id be ringing himand saying front up whats the true story -any B/s or high faluting ecuses hes got 24hrs to come to the party or you go public here(dont forget the present anonymity he enjoys reflects suspicion on any number of competent professionals also in the gunsmithing business in NI and who are entirely innocent.)
as its a firearm yes involve the boys in blue but again thats up to you.If its the dopey courier company then same approach applies -front up discuss agree to remdy or else you go public again!
100days without any word on how the project is going is a bloody disgrace in my opinion and is in fact unprofessional.