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Thread: 22lr Ammo/Accuracy Testing - Eley and RWS - Pic Heavy

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Having reviewed your results again, they are very impressive, your 1416 would be able to do the 1/2" 5x5 shot groups at 50 pretty comfortably with the SM match I'd think, and I know too well how difficult it is, haven't succeeded yet myself or even come close really.

    Its a bit academic but to shoot consistent small groups I feel one needs at least 4 factors under control 1. the ability to maintain discipline to shoot group after group with the same precision, 2. an accurate rifle, 3. Ammo that the rifle "likes" and I think the most difficult, 4. that the ammo the rifle likes is consistent.

    I've shot the smallest groups with Eley Club, and can repeat them about 2 out of 5 groups, but the other three always blow out. Eley Match doesn't produce the smallest groups in my 1415-1416, but they are pretty good and they are consistent. Hopefully some RWS becomes available in due course, it would be interesting to see if my Annie likes the SM as much as yours.

  2. #17
    Member suthy's Avatar
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    @Tentman Yeah it seems to through the first shot of the session at least half of the time, no idea why as I haven't even run a bore snake through it yet since I got it. I haven't shot it enough with the ammo it likes to see how regularly it throws the first shot without changing ammo yet.
    @Beaker As above, I haven't done any cleaning at all. It seemed from the research I've done that it will likely not make a noticeable difference and again, patience it not one of my stronger traits so cleaning in between groups is out of the question!! Well unless I start getting results that show a noticeable improvement in accuracy...
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  3. #18
    Member suthy's Avatar
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    @Tentman Yeah I think I got pretty lucky so far with the special match, I've got to say I'm pretty happy with the results I've got. Some of the other RWS showed promise but not close to the SM. The Eley Edge seams to be pretty good in both rifles but it does have fliers which I can't explain. In saying that I did buy 2x bricks of the Special Match and 1x brick of the Edge to do further testing with, I just haven't had time yet.

    I would love to run a few shots through a chrono to see exactly what the speed, ES and SD numbers are like but that's still on the wish list for the time being.

    The guy I bought it off sent me a photo of a target with 5x different types of SK ammo and it appears to really like that as well but there's been really limited stock in the country. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some Lapua as well but again there's no stock. I have recently got a brick of SK Standard Plus for plinking ammo that haven't tested yet as well as a box of Federal Gold Medal Target to try as well. I'll put the results up when I get round to testing them.
    Kiwi-Hunter likes this.

  4. #19
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    I found the batch I have of the new bright yellow SK standard plus to be very very average, ES like you wouldn't believe, you can even hear it...

    The SK Rifle match varies a bit batch to batch

    The SK Pistol match is pretty good, well worth a look at

    SK Pistol Match Special, Biathlon & Long Range are all better in that order

    Eley Black & Tenex are better again for some disciplines

    I haven't done enough with Lapua Centre X or Midas Plus but it does show promise...as it should $$$

    All the SK tends to have the odd flier to a greater or lesser degree, more so than the Eley Black & Tenex
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by suthy View Post
    @Tentman Yeah I think I got pretty lucky so far with the special match, I've got to say I'm pretty happy with the results I've got. Some of the other RWS showed promise but not close to the SM. The Eley Edge seams to be pretty good in both rifles but it does have fliers which I can't explain. In saying that I did buy 2x bricks of the Special Match and 1x brick of the Edge to do further testing with, I just haven't had time yet.

    I would love to run a few shots through a chrono to see exactly what the speed, ES and SD numbers are like but that's still on the wish list for the time being.

    The guy I bought it off sent me a photo of a target with 5x different types of SK ammo and it appears to really like that as well but there's been really limited stock in the country. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some Lapua as well but again there's no stock. I have recently got a brick of SK Standard Plus for plinking ammo that haven't tested yet as well as a box of Federal Gold Medal Target to try as well. I'll put the results up when I get round to testing them.
    I found the Edge to mostly shoot well but produce a pretty regular flier too, very frustrating. Where did your RWS come from ??

  6. #21
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    I found the batch I have of the new bright yellow SK standard plus to be very very average, ES like you wouldn't believe, you can even hear it...
    Same here. Not as good as the older packaged SK Standard.

  7. #22
    MB is online now
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    It's been interesting reading. Rimfire accuracy can drive you insane. My CZ452 nearly always throws the first shot, even when it hasn't been cleaned. I always miss the first rabbit! It's got to the point where I fire a couple of shots in to the dirt before starting a rabbit hunt.

  8. #23
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10-Ring View Post
    Same here. Not as good as the older packaged SK Standard.
    Absolutely, the old gold box I have is definitely on a par with rifle match
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  9. #24
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    Good shooting Suthy. Yes first shot being awol is pretty common even with sharpshooter 22s - barrel warmer quite often required. Couple in the dirt is a good idea.

    The wind will be affecting your groups causing degree of unreliability - will contribute to uneven spread but may just as easily also cause random tighter groups. You'll need to get one of those still mornings to get standardised results. Question - how quickly are you changing from one ammo to another - are you shooting consecutive groups with different ammos or are you allowing a few changeover rounds. Often rifles need at least 5 rounds on the new ammo before it settles into its own lube and group pattern - can be quite a few more, can be less. Need to watch for it.

    Best I got at 100m with a standard barrel sporter 22 was four consecutive 3 shot groups from 0.5 to 0.8", with average of 0.66". Not the most accurate hunter 22 at 50m, but held beautiful groups at 100m. That was a Norinco Em332 with PMC Match black packet at open air Handloaders range Chch.

    Keep it up. Over the years I found it often takes testing 12-15 or more 22LR ammos in a rifle, then picking 2-3 of the preferred performers, then drilling into those to see what rifle can do. Takes time, takes getting conditions exactly right, and then getting you just right. Days we can shoot effortlessly, in the zone, get down to 0.1 - 0.2", win championships. Other days you're better to just go home!
    Woody likes this.

  10. #25
    Member suthy's Avatar
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    @Tentman Got all the Eley and RWS from shootingstuff. I got great service from them but unfortunately they have a flat rate of $50 freight

  11. #26
    Member suthy's Avatar
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    @mudgripz Yeah I think I will start to fire a warmer round at the start of each session as that first flier has cost me some good groups.

    I might try some 3x shot groups at 100m next time I get out, based on my previous 5x shot groups I should get some pretty good results, particularly if the weather is playing ball!

    What distance are you shooting at when get .1" and.2" groups? 50m?

  12. #27
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    Have had sporter 22s average down into the 0.2s and 0.3s over 4 consecutive 5 shot groups at 50m - that's my own accuracy measure. You will occasionally shoot 0.1" groups but they're more amusing than useful because if you can't repeat them, then they ain't telling that rifle's story!!

  13. #28
    Member suthy's Avatar
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    Soooo after all this talk of shooting, I decided to test the SK+ Federal ammo this arvo...
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    Same old story regarding the conditions, wind from 0-11kph on and off but I shot next to a line of pines to help out a bit and it wasn't a full value 90 degree wind either.
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    First I shot some reference groups through both rifles just to gauge the other results against the conditions. The Edge and 452 combo was very disappointing today.
    Name:  RWS SM and Eley Edge.jpg
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    First I shot the Federal Gold Medal Target. Neither rifle really liked it.
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    Then I shot the SK+.
    Name:  SK+.jpg
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    The 10x shot group with the 1416 looked very promising but the 10x shot group and 5x shot groups all had 1 flier which ruined the groups. Very annoying but at least It was good enough to do some further testing with it as I have a whole brick!! @Kiwi Greg @10-Ring Does this look like the new batch of SK+ that you've had average success with??

  14. #29
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by suthy View Post
    ...@Kiwi Greg @10-Ring Does this look like the new batch of SK+ that you've had average success with??
    Yep, pretty much. I have two Anschutz 54 sporting rifles (1422 and 1712) and they both don't like the new SK Standard. Personally, I wouldn't even attempt to shoot for accuracy with even the slightest of breezes. Waste of time and ammo.

  15. #30
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10-Ring View Post
    Yep, pretty much. I have two Anschutz 54 sporting rifles (1422 and 1712) and they both don't like the new SK Standard. Personally, I wouldn't even attempt to shoot for accuracy with even the slightest of breezes. Waste of time and ammo.
    I agree

    The ONLY way you can shoot consistently small/tiny groups with a 22LR is inside with a properly tuned great rifle with very good ammo & even then you will get fliers

    Even the best ammo isn't "perfect"

    Shooting a 22 benchrest rifle outside with flags is a very humbling experience, .3-.6 fifty meter 5 shot groups are common, .2s aren't, .1s are rare
    Beaker likes this.
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