three/five or ten all depends on what you are trying to achieve...
For me, if sighting in I use 3 or 5 shot initially to get a good idea of where the group size is at. Once I know it is shotting a tight group (if it is) I will go to 1,2 or 3 shot groups until I get close to a final setting. Once there, I will use a 5 shot group to confirm the entire group is centred where I expect it.
I consider the size of my group as the +/- variation and the distance from POA as the adjustment measurement ....EG if a rifle does a 1moa group and I am sighting in a rifle an its frirst group is 8 inches from POA then it is 8inches +/- 1 inch. I dont need to fire a 3 shot group to get a bit closer, os afetr I make an adjustment to say 2inches from POA then I know it is 2+/- 1 inch. At that point I would start to use a 3 shot group to get closer. Once I am clustring around 1 inch above the POA at 100m I will wait and fire 2 or 3 two shot pairs atthe sam POA and see what the actual group is doing....and whether I need any further fine tuning..... A 2 inch group at 100m is a 6 inch group at 300 and that is wheel withing the kill zone for a deer or pig sized animal.....