This heart shot didn’t help me at all as this pig ran past excuse the vertical knife cut
I imagine deer and goats could be different but I don’t like tracking bleeding animals so wouldn’t take a shoulder shot given the opportunity with a subsonic
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300 blackout -just my ten cents worth on that caliber - we tried it or should I say some of our DOC goat cullers tried it - was touted as a great caliber when working with the indicator dogs on goats - the fad and I will call it that lasted an extremely short time ( for most cullers who tried it less than a year) - lack of range and lack of killing power meant it was relegated to rubbish bin very quickly - some very disappointed hunters who had spent money on building up rifles to shoot it ( including one who had converted a sako ) Some tried suppressed 44Mag same result but more about lack of range - deer/goats would pop out on opposite slip 250 yds out - both 300 BLKOUT and 44 mag useless especially considering a suppressed .223 would likely have done the job - 300 blackout to be approached carefully considering its limitations -
Im such a fan boy of it and think its the tops and moved up from 22lr subs to 165gr ballistic tips at 1000fps to this then on to 44s and 45s and the subx 190gr is still the best iv used
Iv smacked pigs out of a mob and all the others do is go and sniff the fallen one while I just pick another one off
they start to catch on after the second one but two is already too many for me to carry
Subx just gives a little more margin for failure
My tikka 308 barrel and Brno 308 both probably wouldn’t stabilise the 200gr range as they are 1-10 twist so I couldn’t go heavier than the 165 ballistic tips I was using that were left overs essentially as they are too expensive to use to get fmj performance
Either way a cast lead projectile like the 151s Robert sells are perfect as everything exits and more energy into the environment behind them helps nothing
All the 300blk offers over subsonic 22lr is penitration
And it seems to smash bone and things that would stop the 22lr wth ease
So long story short I haven’t tried them but don’t see them as any better than the 165s that would zip right thru anyway
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I'm looking to import some peregrine projectiles
Also came across this, might be worth a go.
Im going to give the 160 ftx s a go shortly as my loads are all going super out of the 16 barrels the honady 205s factory were very accurate and quiet but that was out of a ar 10in baby killa , now long gone
Pulled this from a red. Lehigh 168gr CF by far the quickest killer for body heart lung hilar shots on red deer, are a lot more forgiving if shot placement is a little off because of the fracturing petals damages more organs than a standard mushrooming projectile.
Had many bang flops with them.
Lehigh Defence 168gr Controlled fracturing and 198gr maximum expansion.
Roberts 151gr HP cast for daytime possums the dog points out and goats.
208gr eld-m long range subs for 250m head shots.
Lehigh Defence 168gr CF for deer only.
And if I want to make some noise 125gr Nosler BT supersonic for everything
This is a goat we xray'd after it was shot with a 150gr SST impact velocity was 1750fps at 110m
I do a lot of shooting with the blackout but when using sub sonics be prepared for a search like you would bow hunting.
Mmmm... I watched a Gunblue59 vid a while ago, last year sometime, where he dismissed the Blackout as the least useful/appropriate calibre ever sold to hunters. Does nothing well enough that existing calibres don't already do and better. Best left for its intended military purpose- an AR platform round for quiet close quarters fighting. Well that was his opinion anyway - after a lifetime of military and police weapons training, hunting and gunsmithing. Some validation for that view in this thread so far (ducking and diving)
But each to their own and if soneone wants to lend me one I'll happily try it out lol
I know a lot but it seems less every day...