Yes and no. To use modern woke terminology, my 300BLK "journey" started when I went rabbit shooting with a forum member many years ago. He turned up with an AR15 in 300BLK. I thought, yeah whatever, but he explained that he used subs on rabbits and supers on goats to good effect. I wasn't the slightest interested in the AR platform, but the cartridge intrigued me, seeming to be versatile. Roll on a few years, Hornady released the Sub-X round supposedly designed to expand at subsonic speeds which was of interest because I don't reload. Around the same time, I had a landmark birthday, so bought my novelty gun, a Bergara BA13 in 300BLK with a 16.5 inch barrel. Loved the format of the rifle, but found the Sub-X rounds extremely lacking at killing animals when taking classic chest shots, even at short range. Switched to supersonics (Hornady FTX) and it's been great. Despite things not turning out as intended, I have a very short, capable, relatively quiet bush rifle with low recoil. For reference, energy levels are around the same as .223, but obviously the ballistics are very different. Muzzle energy is 1303 It does fall off very quickly, but that's not an issue for close range bush hunting. I've yet to have a goat not fall down with the FTX rounds. Others use suppressed, subsonic rounds to good effect when taking CNS shots under more controlled circumstances. I wouldn't write it off.