Greetings again @Old_School,
Welcome to the rather complicated world of .303 Lee Enfields. 50 or more years ago a .303 was a starter rifle for new hunters, often sold of as soon as a newer factory hunting rifle was purchased. As little as 5 years ago a lightly sporterised .303 with a decent barrel could be had for as little as $100.00. No more. .303 rifles are now in hot demand. Even those who have never owned or even fired one are buying and actually shooting them. Covid may have had a role in this with some stuck at home and spending too much time on the internet.
Possibly time to take stock of what you have. You have a rifle with a bore that looks decent so the first step could be trying to find a load that it will shoot. Forget factory loads for the moment. I think that you said you are a handloader so try some nice soft loads with 174 or 180 grain flat base round nose projectiles and 32 to 34 grains of AR2206H powder. You should be able to find someone in Tauranga who has any kit that you need and possibly some spare projectiles. Try cast lead. Shoot at 50 or even 25 metres to start with. If these keyhole or spray it may be time to think about the barrel. It does not have to be new or .303. A .30 calibre take out barrel rechambered for .30-40 Krag or .30-303 may be possible. I should warn you though that fiddling with old rifles is an addictive though rewarding pastime.
Regards Grandpamac.