Nice to see the old girls are still to there. I fondly remember some friendly banter at a black powder shoot between myself and Robbie Tiffen at the bandleaders one sunday morning black powder competition they had on, he had some fangled reproduction of some really unusual almost like a ferguson breach musket, i had my old NZ Marked Artillery Carbine, we paid each other out no end, i finally went in a comp shoot against him and won, I immediately retired that rifle as the undisputed champ, i was even paper patching the projectiles to get some purchase on the rifling, GREAT rifles to shoot, i must get some new brass for the old girl and get her back out to the range.
owww whilst reminiscing and just to prove that some people should never be allowed near them, i had one bloke come up to me, his eyes were big, "wow, look at that calibre, and look how well it shoots, you should really get a scope on that thing!" !!!!
Nope..................There are some types not worth the effort. Like the 4 wheel drive shopping basket driver who pulled into the petrol station behind me when I was refueling my 1938 DX Vauxhall and wandered around oohing and aahing and then, when he saw me adding the upper cylinder lubricant from a my squirty container, said knowingly, "OH, two stroke."
@Tertle... great story mate
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
They are great fun to shoot
Lol @ indigenous
Some were shot the other way too
My short one has armed constabulary traced markings
The MH are also good to shoot and surprisingly low recoil.
I shoot .600 round balls through mine,they are the most accurate out to 100 yards.
"Accuracy" being relevant as these were are huge step up in rate of fire from a Rifled Musket,Sniders seldom print the same impact point on different days it seems.I have four different Bullet molds for mine,the original Mini-Ball I have found to be the least accurate,the other molds replicate the BC of a round ball anyhow.I dip my loaded rounds in cheap Mayonnaise prior to firing,keeps the fouling soft.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
I like watching Rob on Youtube with his Sniders
Always found BP cartridge and muzzle loaders more pleasant to shoot than modern guns, sniders included. Definitely with their quirks, but very different recoil impulse and somehow a lot more relaxing to shoot.
Only thing is cleaning pitted bores.... if the bore has any pitting at all I spend hours trying to clean the fouling out and it still runs black at the end... that bit I don't like![]()
Apparently yes it did shoot a lot of the big five. If it’s all you had to hand then you use what you have.....not a great place to learn from your mistakesthey aren’t called the big five just because their big
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I was at the Hamilhole zoo last weekend and was thinking on how one of my doubles would handle the Giraffe, tiger, or rhino. It would have to have been in my younger days, when I could run like a gazelle? They are big animal!!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
From memory one of the family has one
There were some double rifles chambered in .577 as well saw one in a gunshop in Brisbane year ago,
For stopping a Rilfe these are hard to beat,
I run my Snyder Carbine on 60gr homemade black powder and a .600 round ball in a 28g shotgun case shortened to 2 inch. Cases just fire form and knock them out with the cleaning rod as the rims don`t consistently catch the extractor. Shoots well with almost pristine barrel apart from one pit. Just fun to shoot.