Good point ...the only reason I posted that is My son has a mate who has done 3 tours as a sniper with the USMC,Ive talked to him at length about the .308,which a lot of them use as their preferred rifle......some interesting conversations about its ”killabilty”......human and animal......animal is what I’m interested in,and yes I understand the military does not use off the shelf ammo.
When talking to him about big game shots.....anything under 500-600,you’ll take it out ,600-800 has to be accurately placed......1000,....luck!!!........190 gr is what Ill be using.......on a side note,he says he’s taken-out “targets”800-1000 without hesitation
I agree with many posters here,re stalking skills etc,The 308 long range that I’ve purchased is mostly for long range target shooting,500-800,something Ive done little off,and bought a reload kit for that round as the young fella(sniper) has agreeded to tutor me in the finer points of long distance shooting...looking fwd to it