Anyone of the 7mm or 300 magnums and learn to shoot consistently accurate to that distance.
Anyone of the 7mm or 300 magnums and learn to shoot consistently accurate to that distance.
that's the theory I use kind of makes sense
I would have thought if your talking specifics , a calibre for shooting animals at 600m a 30-06 would really be a starting point , I mean why would you perhaps undergun your self if your specifically wanting to shoot at that range it makes no sense , I have a 308 its my go to , on paper can shoot sub MOA out to 500y but I can tell you if I think there's a reasonable chance of shooting something at that range I grab the 7mm rm , and there lies the answer to the question ,why would I grab my 308 knowing im likely going to shoot animals beyond that 500y mark & its simple the 7mm rm is far superior than a 308 at that range , so any of the lesser calibres mentioned in this thread is pointless , something else to consider is the actual rifle it self they vary greatly some in the same cal kick more than others id go for perhaps a slightly heaver model with a better than average trigger ideally around that 2-3lb pull mark , don't be fooled by the salesman telling you how sweet that trigger is as most factory rifles are not set that low .
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like others have said on here, in other psots- once you go 7mm rm, you gain weight-suppresor size- cost and boot- if you stay with 3006 based cartridges you minimise those things.
Simple answer, non magnum if 600 was your max then 270 3006 280ai will do the job.
Or any of the wsm or magnum cartridges. One thing to consider factory ammo wise is wsm ammo is really expensive and harder to come by compared to the 7mm rem mag and 300 win mag ammo.
7mag, 270wsm, Both manageable recoil with good technique, both capable at that range. More energy, less drift than the same size projectile being pushed slower by the non magnums.
.280AI is pretty damn expensive, close to $100.00 for a box of 20. Makes me glad that I reload.
Waaay to far for me
Quote...It is accepted that if you do your job and put the bullet where it counts, you can count on the .308 to do its job and incapacitate the target. The US Army preaches an 800 meter maximum effective range for the .308, the USMC preaches a 1000 yard (915 meter) max effective range.
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
You wont go wrong with a remmag
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Good point ...the only reason I posted that is My son has a mate who has done 3 tours as a sniper with the USMC,Ive talked to him at length about the .308,which a lot of them use as their preferred rifle......some interesting conversations about its ”killabilty”......human and animal......animal is what I’m interested in,and yes I understand the military does not use off the shelf ammo.
When talking to him about big game shots.....anything under 500-600,you’ll take it out ,600-800 has to be accurately placed......1000,....luck!!!........190 gr is what Ill be using.......on a side note,he says he’s taken-out “targets”800-1000 without hesitation
I agree with many posters here,re stalking skills etc,The 308 long range that I’ve purchased is mostly for long range target shooting,500-800,something Ive done little off,and bought a reload kit for that round as the young fella(sniper) has agreeded to tutor me in the finer points of long distance shooting...looking fwd to it
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary