Buggar!!!...was in San Fran yesterday.....just leaving Chicago for Los Angeles
Buggar!!!...was in San Fran yesterday.....just leaving Chicago for Los Angeles
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
600 yards with a 308 at an animal is to long for me. At that distance you really need to be practicing a lot to be consitently hitting where you want to. Long range competition shooting in a blustery wind is a real eye opener
One solution is for all you guys to turn up to the Toby shoot and have a crack at the 600 yard gong, make sure you bring lots of over the counter ammo and of course some
Basically cash up front and have a go, winner takes all.
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
I’m staggered they stabilize. Almost unbelievable.
2400FPSish I presume.
And using a pretty decent BC of mid .5’s it’s still almost a meter of drift at 600 in a normal wind.
Fuck that for a joke! Irresponsible!
Just about EVERY option is better than that one.
200's will stabilize in a 1/11 at 2450fps.
Id do it in a low wind situation, but indeed there is always better options, faster, higher bc and both
A few reports of guys running tight bartleins are getting 190/200 up over the 2550fps mark in shortish barrels, heavy dosing of rl15 and lapua palma brass I think
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
What sort of a thread is this ?
Its the Random Claim and Argument Thread. Set up specifically so grumpy old men can sling insults and make wild claims and recriminatory accusations. A form of light entertainment. Like this:
I've been shooting lots of pukekos with Rob's subsonic 151gr 308 lead pills well past 100m! Plague proportions. Deadly effective. Ha.
Far too many variables to consider, the fact the question is asked at all, raises questions..........
Personally, in open country, my first thought process is all about how can I get closer and reduce the variables and improve the odds. The odds not being, can I hit it from here at my 600m mark, but can I kill the animal cleanly, quickly and humanely. I refuse to deal in maybe, luck and hope.
There you go, I learnt something today. Cleary .30cal is a more naturally 'stable' projectile size. I have zero experience with the 30' out of an 08 size case.
Its still a retarded idea to try and push that size projectile from the o8 case though right? Why would you go to all that trouble when almost everything in the gun world is a better option?
horse's for course's I suppose, I use 200's because they work well for me and the rifle likes them, slow but accurate and predictable
as they say run what ya brung, so until every thing gets govt banned or I re-barrel
that said I wouldnt mind trying the palma brass and trying for the next accuracy node up around 2600fps
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
Yeah, I get that. If that's what you've got then compromise is the name of the game. And if it delivers what you need then all good.
I was coming at this from the context of 'what's an ideal new 600m gun'?
In that situation an 08 case pushing 200's doesn't make any sense.
In yours it does.
no more so than using subsonics at anything past 50 yards really.....