I've read most of the thread and hope.i havent missed this, as the rifle is you should be able to get the 162s to around 3050 fps, with running those numbers how much more are you after from your rifle?
I've read most of the thread and hope.i havent missed this, as the rifle is you should be able to get the 162s to around 3050 fps, with running those numbers how much more are you after from your rifle?
You’re quite right, the 162gr eldx is great and comfortably gets me to 1000 yards. I ran a ladder test last week, and although the chrono was on the blink it looked like my top accuracy node was only 2920, which isn’t quite there. The goal, and that’s it a goal, would be to have a cartridge/rig capable of 1 mile on steel, and enough energy to take an animal at 1Km. With some great advice, I’m going to work up a load seated out to the lands (a couple possibles I’m working on) and single load to see if it’s worth taking the step up.
I would go 7BM ratter that RM if I was to build another too.
Spoke to Tracy at Deadeye, he suggested 7 LRM as a straight rechamber. $350 to rechamber, $200 for dies and $3 a pice for the brass. So for $1000 I could fit the atlasworx DBM and ASICS mags (to run max 3.6” COAL), have the work done and 50 brass. Sounds like a great cartridge, has slightly more capacity than the 7 BM, and a long neck. I understand that the brass wasn't the best, is this still the case? Is there any one out there with this cartridge that can give some real world velocities, and loads?
IIRC, brass is made by Hornady and is reputed to be poor quality. It’s a good cartridge in theory but has largely failed to gain traction due to poor brass quality.
Work out which projectile and velocity is required to get the job done
Make sure your chosen chambering has the best quality brass
To be effective past 1000yards use the best components made
Then for the next year be prepared to be schooled by the wind
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time