Your a hard man Don, we will see at the club shoot won't we?
The accuracy of that barrel is the only thing stopping me screwing on a true flight at the moment, if it shot .60 it would be on there now!
Your a hard man Don, we will see at the club shoot won't we?
The accuracy of that barrel is the only thing stopping me screwing on a true flight at the moment, if it shot .60 it would be on there now!
Last edited by Tui4Me; 27-02-2012 at 08:36 PM.
Quoting your best groups isn't what this threat is about its about hunting rifle accuracy, I'm willing to bet we wont be seeing any 1 inch groups at 400 yards at a club shoot
1000yds is fun, 1500yds is getting interesting, 2000yds is exciting, 2500yds will blow your mind
Put it this way Greg, Iv had two loads that would consistently shoot under half on a bad day. I dont use either.
The loads i use run half to 3/4 and the other 3/4 to one.
I use these because the pills suit the application and the others didn't.
As you know I'm not really a long range shooter but even with this shot gun patterning could still hit B/Bs 1140 plate once I had wind-age sorted using hold over cos Id run out of up. Yep its a BIG plate. Would I try a shot on an animal at that not bloody likely
I'm not really a long ranger as you know but the way I look at it is this.
Animals= 6" inch group is max for me
Rifles max range is the point at which velocity drops below reliable expansion regardless of energy (1000 foot pounds who came up with that?)
So I have a theoretical max range of around 600y with the lowly .308 on a animal so i only need MOA any better is a bonus.
Would I try it on an animal? Yep but only in perfect conditions nowhere near enough experience picking the wind.
Steel how big is the plate, how far do you want to shoot? Does it even matter if your having fun and learning a bit?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
1 MOA under all conditions is a far better criteria than .25 under perfect, and its a waste of time getting it to that point anyway, unless your 6.5 06 is a BR rifle.
I would love to see a target with say, 10 .25moa squares and 1 shot through each
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
What if someone shoots x5 two shot groups that measure 1.25" at 500?
That's still 10rounds?
How do you see and hold on 1.25' bulls at 500 Greg? I only have a 16x. Until I upgrade to the March or NF. Mirage is an issue where I shoot as well. I think a series of consecutive groups, up to 10 rounds or more, witnessed would be the ticket.
1.25 consistently? Ya might fluke it on a good day but as we know the variables change from shot to shot and over 10 rounds it can be quite a bit.
Still, I have some new brass to stretch when I get home, if I get a good day and Tui_man or BB shows up for a shot I am sure we will have to give it a go.
Have fluked a 3 shot group that went sub inch @ 500 then followed it up with a 6 inch + group due to wind. It was under an inch vertically but waterlined at 6' in bugger all readable wind. Still a dead animal at the max range I would try and take one so good enough.
I'm not...
Now that I'm not on my iphone,
I mean let's see someone/people shoot and hit 10 .25" dots at 100 yards from field positions (bipod and rear bag, or whatever), breaking position between shots. Simulating trying to get a first round hit on a .25 MOA target in the field. If you think that's too easy then sure, have a go at 500, but if you can't hit a .25MOA target everytime in the absence of all the atmospherics etc that come into play at long range, then there's not much point in worrying about whether your rifle groups tightly enough to at longer ranges
Groups are almost irrelevant, they mean nothing about your ability to hit a target, which is the goal of shooting things.