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Thread: Anyone a member of SSANZ or The NZ NSA?

  1. #61
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Bugger cosmoline : VACUUM SEAL STORAGE BAGS | Brownells

    While I fully agree with the wrongness of AAB-285-2 I think it would play out like this:

    Police find a "Cache" of reclassified firearms

    The media goes nuts about how "high powered assault weapons" like the ones used to shoot up US schools are everywhere

    PNHQ has a cry baby to the MOP, the pollies bowls invert

    Said gun owner gets shafted big time by the judiciary and the jury, unless Richard and the team can work something out

    If anyone ever entertains the thought of doing this, for every-bodies sake, don't get caught.

  2. #62
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    Nov 2012
    My opinion is that the NZP feels that they lost face in losing the court case against Richard. AAB-285 is their misguided and callow attempt to reassert their authority by creating a law to combat a "problem" which simply never existed and in so doing, will only create even further problems as alluded to by Richard Prosser's address in parliament, viz "burying firearms in a pipe". Criminalising otherwise law abiding firearm owners because they are in possession of a firearm that happens to have a few different aesthetic and non-functional features makes zero sense to me and is an inappropriate use of tax payer's funds which could be better used to fight actual crime.

    That said however if (when?) AAB-285 does come into law and some of the firearms in my inventory will re-classified as E category I will, as a responsible owner and law abiding citizen, obey the law and upgrade my security and apply for the correct endorsement. I could easily bury them somewhere and forget about them for a while but why would I deny myself the enjoyment that I get out of using them and live in perpetual fear of a visit from Old Bill in the hopes that one day, the law might change? How long could one be waiting? Years, perhaps a lifetime. Burying them and not using them for x amount of time is a similar deprivation to having them taken off you and destroyed for the amount of use one would get from them.

    Even though I am opposed to the law, like any other citizen of this country we can't pick and choose which laws we wish to abide by and if one wishes to challenge the law it's probably better to do so from a position of obedience than defiance.
    Last edited by Ryan; 09-01-2013 at 10:02 AM.

  3. #63
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Ryan, the reason they are seeking to restrict these firearms is because they don't like them. Don't underestimate the haters. There is no sensible reason to restrict them other than people don't like them and it is the govt's prerogative to impose laws upon us.

  4. #64
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    Nov 2012
    Well, I don't like country and western music but that doesn't give me the right to tell other people not to listen to it. The NZP's dislike of these particular types of firearms is completely irrational.

  5. #65
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Well, I don't like country and western music but that doesn't give me the right to tell other people not to listen to it. The NZP's dislike of these particular types of firearms is completely irrational.
    True but they don't give a flying fuck what we think

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    True but they don't give a flying fuck what we think
    Clearly. The government is meant to serve the people's interests, not the other way around.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Even though I am opposed to the law, like any other citizen of this country we can't pick and choose which laws we wish to abide by and if one wishes to challenge the law it's probably better to do so from a position of obedience than defiance.

    Ryan: can you answer this question. Is there any law that the government could enact, that you would not obey?

  8. #68
    Member Littledog's Avatar
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    In the concrete jungle.
    Well we know the law change is not about public safety. If it was about safety we would see a forceful effort to disarm the gangs and criminals-not further restrict the law abiding.

    Since the 1992 amendment that reclassified certain rifles as "MSSA" when was the last shooting crime carried out by a license holder using a MSSA style rifle. The last shooting using a MSSA style rifle that I can remember was Jan Moliner in Napier-who was unlicensed.

    Maybe the issue is about control and as Ryan said "payback" for the Police losing in a high court case.

    In the USA the current proposed "assult" Rifle Ban is again not about public safety, as overall only 2% of shooting crimes committed in the USA were carried out with "assult" style rifles (Congressional research study). The vast majority of shootings in the US are with handguns in the possession of the criminal fraternity.

    Its more about control than public safety. With a bit of a "I don't like them guns, so why should you", mentality thrown in the mix.

    Lead delivery technician, Bulk orders welcome!!

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by krewzr View Post
    Ryan: can you answer this question. Is there any law that the government could enact, that you would not obey?
    That's a bit of a vague question there Richard and would depend on the law enacted. If the government said that it was mandatory for all males to be out of bed at 0500 every Sunday morning to sing the national anthem then no, because that's just silly and would never happen.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Clearly. The government is meant to serve the people's interests, not the other way around.

    That is the funniest god damn thing i have heard for a long time. The governments job is to assert control on the people, period.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Towely View Post
    That is the funniest god damn thing i have heard for a long time. The governments job is to assert control on the people, period.
    I'm available for children's parties, weddings and Bar Mitzvahs.

  12. #72
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    See this page Login

    If this page disappears I have a copy

    Some comments there have actually just about pretty much put me off NSA . My way or the highway rings a bell ???

    I was thinking when I saw the hide your guns in plastic pipe stuff that its actually not a good way to promote yourself as you

    do start to loose credibility real quick.. Page above comments don't help. Just makes NRA look like boys camp where you toss toys around...

    Go ahead try to win back my potential subscription Richard.. You re gonna need to use standard NZ language and write it slowly for me cos I only read slowly. NOT ..
    Last edited by Happy; 09-01-2013 at 12:16 PM.
    "This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..

  13. #73
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Bugger you have to be logged on to read it .... I got a log in with out being a member somehow....
    Hard to read but best I can do... Kids stuff really

    NSA full member

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    Thread on NZ hunting and shooting.co.nz

    « on: Wed,26,12,12 »

    Have a look here Richard

    NSA or SSNZ



    Southern Man
    NSA full member

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    Re: Thread on NZ hunting and shooting.co.nz

    « Reply #1 on: Thu,27,12,12 »

    Thanks Mikee. Kscott is a well known nay sayer and appologist of inferior intellect ...

    Herbie's rant seems to be a very selective version of what happened!

    In 1991 the Arms Amendment Bill was already in parliament when the commissioner made the ultra vires decission to 'ban' the importation of all the affected firearms. After the court case which showed he had acted incorrectly (and incidently the ruling set Commonwealth precident law ...) the Cabinet passed a Customs prohibition order (in Council) to prevent importation with the agreement that this would be lifted after the Bill became law thus allowing importation of MSSAs under the new controls. This is why MSSAs have been imported with 'special reasons' since that time.

    In 2009 the Butt Hole Stock fiasco was another attempt at imposing police 'policy' which was ultra vires and beyond their powers. Once again it was either compliance (the colfo path) or another court case.

    Either we have control by unlawful police 'policy' or a set of properly passed laws and regulations which are available for all to read and understand. Either 'agreements' made behing closed doors by shaddowy individuals or rule of law.

    Or do we trust individuals who specialise in 'the supply of special products for law enforcement, police, military and security professionals' to represent us? The truth is that simple - is it not?

    « Last Edit: Thu,03,01,13 by Southern Man »




    Posts: 5
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    Re: Thread on NZ hunting and shooting.co.nz

    « Reply #2 on: Mon,07,01,13 »

    There appears to be a number of posts on there from COLFO board members. I think they blame NSA for their funding being cut by several large shooting clubs. Would'nt mind being blamed for that if we had received the funding instead ! lol




    Posts: 5
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    Re: Thread on NZ hunting and shooting.co.nz

    « Reply #3 on: Tue,08,01,13 »

    This just toooo good. One 17 year old has just completely flipped his own argument and become one of us


    "This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    That's a bit of a vague question there Richard and would depend on the law enacted. If the government said that it was mandatory for all males to be out of bed at 0500 every Sunday morning to sing the national anthem then no, because that's just silly and would never happen.
    So that is affirmative. You would resort to civil disobediance if the government tried to legislate away your right to lay in bed on Sunday morning.

    Do you think that all males in New Zealand would resort to civil disobediance if such a law was passed ? and if not, what pecentage of males do you estimate would, respectively obey and disobey ?
    Last edited by krewzr; 09-01-2013 at 02:52 PM.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    We would appreciate it if you did not copy material from the NSA forum and publish it elsewhere. Doing so raises privacy issues and content ownership issues for NSA and its members. You are welcome to post links to information and if people see fit, they can go and look at the material themself: but please refrain from copying and republishing.

    Richard Lincoln



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