Make sure they are all "E"s or all "A"s don't have a mix of the two. The police have been known to put an E mag into an A and claim the person had an unregistered E. The person had an E and an A and the magazine was stored separate to the A.
Make sure they are all "E"s or all "A"s don't have a mix of the two. The police have been known to put an E mag into an A and claim the person had an unregistered E. The person had an E and an A and the magazine was stored separate to the A.
Meh, I have multiple of each in the same safe. If they are going to fit you up, they are going to fit you up, there's not much you can do about it. A guy I know was talking about zip tying an A cat mag housing into his A cat rifle, just in case they decided to ruin him blah blah blah. I'm like "Err there's no way they'll be able to cut a cable tie, right?"
Identify your target beyond all doubt
Heres the thing its perfectly legal to have hi cap mags on a bolt gun, plenty are manufactured to take ar or pmags but what happens if you buy an a cat ar, you have the capability to "manufacture" an mssa. Where does this stand in law.
The definition of mssa and e cat is really so poorly thought out.
True... the story that was floating around social media about plod doing it certainly had more to the story, likely involving a search warrant.
Welcome to Sako club.
I store my A cats in a separate safe with an A cat mag in the lower. If they want to try it on they will be manufacturing their own evidence. A good rule of thumb is to not come to the attention of police as much as possible.
@Ryan_Songhurst your more then welcome to come along with me to the next service rifle shoot in West Melton. Frank the Army range warden does a top job of running SR matches there and serials are run on an even playing field for competing with an Acat AR against Ecat ones. But I would still encourage getting your E endorsement.
As for storing A's with E's in terms of magazine compatibility between either a bolt action rifle and an AR or between two AR's, I wouldn't worry. Nicholas Taylor has clarified that the police have no grounds for prosecution under statute law.
Think about it, everything can be interpreted differently but it's intent that matters. If you keep your 7 round mag in your Acat AR and your 20 rounder in your Mossberg MVP, then you intended to abide by the law (obviously) but what's the difference for example; you kept a pistol grip in your cupboard for a bolt action precision chassis you're building, and you had an Acat AR with thumb-hole stock - You haven't broken any law but you could "manufacture an MSSA."
It's not worth the hassle of zip tying things or putting combo locks through mag wells. Remind yourself that we are not criminals and that we shouldn't have to "prepare" ourselves for something that has not gone through due process.
Don't be fooled by their ultra vires policy crap.
Owning a shotgun AND a hacksaw, doesn't make you a pistol owner does it?
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