I think i have finally found a forum with good guys and good chat lol
I think i have finally found a forum with good guys and good chat lol
You're all fuckin wrong!! I am in salted
Hitler came up with the name "(Storm) assault rifle" he gave to the STG 44 when he came around to the concept of a intermediate rifle round. Too little to late too have altered the course of WW2, little did he know that it changed the course of all future small arms development and battle engagements to this day.
Luckily for the allies, Hitler's incompetence and meddling hamstrung all facets of the German war effort. From focusing on the production of obsolete air craft, to defending important places with non existent units. The sturmgerwher had to be developed in secret because Adolf was repulsed by the idea and had a hard on for his Mausers. Was he the first fudd??
Hitler didn't want the new rifle made due to lack of materials at that late stage of the war. It was produced secretly then shown to Hitler once it was working. Got his approval when it was demonstrated to him. Probably wished he had it in 1940
Edit - WTF is up with this forum? I posted this after Stug and no other posts were showing
Also the time clock is out by miles
I think the term assault/storm rifle as designated by Hitler and the nazis is propaganda hyperbole. Other german gun acronyms, ignoring the number, like MG42 and MP40 are named with two nouns. STG44 is the only example I can think of that is named with a verb and a noun. Even the most psychologically damaging weapon of the time, the flammen werfer, is two nouns.
Either way I find it funny how the anti gun lobby use nazi rhetoric.
Speaking of "assault rifles" I'm interested in who here can tell me what the AR stands for in AR-15?? Before googling it have a guess and post it here.
Some say inventor Eugene Stoner meant it to stand for ARMALITE-15 the company that help develop the rifle, others say it means assault rifle-15 and a lot of Yanks think it stands for America's sweetheart: The American Rifle 15 lol
It would have to be Armalite... rifle? Not sure what the 15 would denote.
an ar15 is a semi auto rifle unless its modded otherwise there for its not an assault rifle an m16 or in later years the m4 have a full auto setting and as far as im aware that's what defines an "assault rifle" the cops call there ar's m4's always laugh at it
The original full auto rifles were called AR15's...