Yet another successful gong shoot has passed with success going again to Matt Ryan .We had many want to come but there mommy's didn't allow them out to play so we had only 6 shooters with 2 from the forum shooting and Rushy marking for us so 3 in total -slowly gaining enthusiast .
Again we had great weather and winds to make it a little trickier for all -I was impressed with the competency shown by some that are not seasoned veteran shooters to handle the conditions -still as noted last time a good spotter is invaluable to a shooter .
We laid signs out this time for easy spotting and took distance reading to help those without range finders.
End of day we had a damned fine bbque with Rushy supplying many satisfying sausages and me a few bottles of wine -all in all a successful shoot.
One thing did happen the following day the neighbor lent across the fences and bleated like a stuck pig that he had had enough of the 7 hours of noise --were in the country but his house is close --anyone know the legals on complaining people and the law ??
Informal long range shooting competition - YouTube