And multiple rifles, See here for a user guide
And multiple rifles, See here for a user guide
BC doesn't matter, until you need to dial
Ah. Found the problem. I'm using bushnell ballistic app which is using applied ballistics but the actual applied ballistic app itself
Anyone found/noticed issues with Strelok & altitude weather calculations?
If you just change the altitude input an nothing else (velocity or temp etc.), calculation appears inconsistent...
e.g. For 1000yds with one of my rifles Strelok gives the following
@0ft asl -> 38.18 MOA
@1000ft asl -> 35.62 MOA
@2000ft asl -> 35.76 MOA
An increase in altitude should result less drop (all other things equal) but for 2000ft asl case - drop calculated is more than that at 1000ft asl
For my level of LR shooting ability I use the Hornady app which is free and has worked for numerous rifles out to the ranges I would try and shoot. (500- 600 yds) has worked further on gongs so I won't be changing soon.
The Hornady 4DOF calculator returns exactly the same drop for both 1000 and 2000 feet above sea level.
FWIW I get the promotion of the Applied Ballistics app, but having sat side-by-side with a user of that app, and simple old me with my working class Strelok Pro, the calculations from both apps returned to the same answer, and I hit the goat and he didn’t!
Just sayin’...
which version of strelok? altitude is really irrelevent its air pres and temp that make the difference. in strlok plus you can change altitude, air pres and temp but the altiude makes no differnce unless you changes the other.
Strelok pro has no altitude adjustment.
ALWAYS have more than one app on your phone. they all including AB have done updates that have caused issues with drop data. You dont want to find your main app crashed when ready to shoot and have no backup.