Was good to put another face to a name Mooseman, great to share a few stories.
Managed to be squaded when the rain was shining instead ...but then so was everyone else![]()
Was good to put another face to a name Mooseman, great to share a few stories.
Managed to be squaded when the rain was shining instead ...but then so was everyone else![]()
Thanks for the write up Mooseman, pity about the weather forecast I think it scared a few shooters off which was a shame as it was a lovely day.
Here is some photos of the day
Shooting at the 500yrd mound
Trying to load more photos having a few problems
Great pics 17brno, its a great way to meet everyone and get a bit of practice in on a day with shifty winds , made things interesting.
Bugger, just looked at this and realised I missed it by a couple of days, still looking for somewhere in BOP to do validations. ☹️
Perfect place to try your loads, very helpful. As there weren't many shooters the range was offered to us to do a bit of practise if we wanted, obviously on a busy day that wouldn't happen. The electronic scoring system they have is brilliant, shows point of impact, velocity at target, group size and it's instant straight after the shot.
I can't seem to post more than 1 photo at a time dont know what I am doing wrong
Had that problem the other day @17brno I logged out shut down then restarted seemed to do the trick.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I'm definitely keen for the next one, sounds like a lot of fun.
I spent Sunday up the hill at the BOP NZDA range sighting in a new rifle/scope and doing some load development, the benchrest was okay post-surgery but shooting prone might have been pushing it.