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Thread: Boycott 'The Petone Gunshop"...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    How does one go about making a submission? Is there a submission 101 article or advice from anyone that has done it before? Perhaps a new thread?

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  2. #17
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uplandstalker View Post
    Not a fan of this submission, but if anyone doesn't like it, submit one yourself!

    We are living in a country that we are able to contribute and speak our minds on these matters(if they listen or not is another story). So unless one speaks up, within the process available to us, it may pay to just roll over and let the law makers do what they like and keep your mouth closed.

    Remember, anyone can make a submission, yet so few firearm licence holders actually do, yet we all moan about when the changes don't suit.
    Yep, we all could have made submissions, but always much better to just tear apart someone elses. Like you I don't agree with what John has written. Always saw John as a straight guy, maybe age has addled his brain. Or maybe in his submission he see a lesser of potentially more evil countermeasures.
    BTW: despite several reminders from shooting organisations I belong to, to get our submissions in, I forgot the deadline and missed out. So, I now join the vast ranks of gun owners who will winge like mad when the inevitable happens.
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  3. #18
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunt_fish View Post
    How does one go about making a submission? Is there a submission 101 article or advice from anyone that has done it before? Perhaps a new thread?

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    Submissions are closed this time around unfortunately.
    Several groups are working on a how to guide for next time around, unfortunately a simple copy and paste is not suitable as would not count as separate submissions. There is a form guide on parliaments website

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  4. #19
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Brought my first and second rifle from him a number of years ago. Always seemed like a stand-up guy, but I guess over time, watching the world change around you, can be difficult to deal with.

  5. #20
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Nostalgia, it's not what it used to be.
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  6. #21
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    ...unfortunately a simple copy and paste is not suitable as would not count as separate submissions.
    If a copy+paste submission agrees with the bias/preference of the decision makers its allowed and counted, if it disagrees then it gives them an easy way to ignore it. Not that I'm cynical about politicians or anything...
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  7. #22
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    If a copy+paste submission agrees with the bias/preference of the decision makers its allowed and counted, if it disagrees then it gives them an easy way to ignore it. Not that I'm cynical about politicians or anything...
    They don't even see it, it's all sorted(and oia'able) before it gets to them.

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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MassiveAttack View Post
    Ahhh the older generation, their love of the past and their hate of changing culture. The only proper manly shooting is paper targets at 100 yards (not meters) to sight in your deer rifle before heading into the hills carring nothing more than a 303, a swandry and a blunt butter knife. To have fun while shooting is just wrong.

    This attitude is throughout the shooting sports but seems worse in duck hunting circles:
    *The gubermint is about to reintroduce lead shot because they have listened to all the evidence i.e. old blokes complaing about steel shot
    *Semi autos are wounding all the ducks
    *Wing spinners are talking the sport out of the sport

    My old man came aound last week and said something about who schools were giving up on all this high tech stuff and going back to teaching the basics (which I think is chalk boards and slide rules). What schools dad, where cos my kids schools are not giving up on the high tech stuff. He didn't really know (which is always the way with this stuff) but he though it was some private schools in England.

    My counterargument for not living in the past was that to cope with todays world you have to learn the stuff thats relevant which for us is technology. I added in the fact that we now collect so much data that it's impossible to use the old model of scientests sitting in labs, reading books and scientific papers in order to "discover" stuff. We have so much data being collected that the only possible way to analyse it is with software. If we want our kids to copy in the world we need to teach them how to create and use software in my the same way your generation was taught how to use electricity and milling machines as they took over from whail oil and blacksmithing.

    Of course the whole thing fell on deaf ears because he didn't want it to be true. Change makes those who are experts in the system unsettled because they are no longer experts....
    Piss off! Not all oldies are like that, what you forget is with age comes a little wisdom and more common sense!!
    Dont forget just because its new doesn't mean its better!!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    Yep, we all could have made submissions, but always much better to just tear apart someone elses. Like you I don't agree with what John has written. Always saw John as a straight guy, maybe age has addled his brain. Or maybe in his submission he see a lesser of potentially more evil countermeasures.
    BTW: despite several reminders from shooting organisations I belong to, to get our submissions in, I forgot the deadline and missed out. So, I now join the vast ranks of gun owners who will winge like mad when the inevitable happens.
    I agree with you Zimmer, but I dont think hes added much to help us when hes been involved in the past, remember when he held Mr Gun Citys role as the "go to" man for reporters and the like.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  10. #25
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    with age comes a little wisdom and more common sense!!
    there is probably more entrenched Old fools than there are those that have gained wisdom

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  11. #26
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    Free speech is great and all, but you must wear the consequences of what you say. His submission is his to make, but it has alienated much of his customer base, who are right to take their business elsewhere.

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  12. #27
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    i think he just committed financial suicide, even if he loses only a 1/3 of his revenue. hard to believe he wrote this
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by grunzter View Post
    I'm sure there are worse anti gun replies than this one, but when its from a gun shop owner who is currently selling the firearms he seems to be strongly apposed to, its just hypocrisy.
    I used to go in there occasionally (never again) as support as I didnt want local shops to close. He doesnt sell the likes of AR15s or I have never seen any but what looks like mostly clapped out old ex-mil and cheap stuff. I would have said his business was running down as he cant / is not competing with the online / bigger shops, so his submission reads as a whiney rant.

    I have talked to him in the past and frankly I found him condescending and a bit arrogant, but well no ones perfect.

    Anyway I will make it a point to go to Magnum Imports or the Alice Town shop in future.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  14. #29
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    I used to go in there occasionally (never again) as support as I didnt want local shops to close. He doesnt sell the likes of AR15s or I have never seen any but what looks like mostly clapped out old ex-mil and cheap stuff. I would have said his business was running down as he cant / is not competing with the online / bigger shops, so his submission reads as a whiney rant.

    Anyway I will make it a point to go to Magnum Imports or the Alice Town shop in future.
    He lists ar15's etc on his archaic website

    And used to sell norinco ak's buy the truck load. Such a hypocrite. I supported colfo even when he was involved but I'm glad he has moved on-it's seems to have rejuvenated colfo

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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    there is probably more entrenched Old fools than there are those that have gained wisdom

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    I deal with young dickheads who don't know shit from clay everyday! Always refreshing when someone with knowledge and a bit of age serves you in a trade business! Especially firearms
    Norway and tetawa like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough



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