We are now accepting registration for this years SRC. Email brcincnz@gmail.com for a registration pack. The date for this is 26 October 2014.
This is one of three shoots a year out of 24 that we have hard and fast rules regarding what rifles are appropriate to compete with—there is no Open Class. Rules regarding rifle eligibility are on the website. Loan rifles are available.
Shoot format and Course of Fire will be similar to last years SRCs.
Three classes, five matches with a trophy up for grabs in each Class; Bolt action Open Sight, MSSA Open Sight, MSSA Optical Sight. All rifles to be in as issued configuration and ammo to be milsurp or hand loads to replicate the standard military round.
Please check the Rules on the website before choosing which rifle(s) you are going to shoot. Entry fee is $15 and you can enter as many classes as you like. Loan rifles available upon request.
We run this shoot as a bit of a get-together and a way of promoting Service Rifle shooting in general and our regular SR activities at the BRC in particular. 100% of the profit from this shoot goes towards the cost of range improvements, which only ever seem to in-crease annually.
The profits from the last three SRCs have gone towards refurbishing the 200m mound - which will look quite different from this time last year. Keep an eye on the website mentioned above for more details in the coming weeks.... BRC SRC