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Thread: Call to Arms

  1. #91
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    Personally I think its just actually easier to appear to do something rather than actually do something.
    And cheaper, too. It's all part of the political smoke and mirrors. The Illusion of reality, or vice versa. It's what Cahill and co are doing.
    gonetropo likes this.
    Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.

  2. #92
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    I haven't been keeping up with his thread, but seeing what Cahill has been saying I'm going to take some time to write him a pretty firm letter.

  3. #93
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    CSI Flatlander
    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    I haven't been keeping up with his thread, but seeing what Cahill has been saying I'm going to take some time to write him a pretty firm letter.
    It's good to have someone on the other side of the fence. Even if if it does put you in no mans land. No doubt you see and hear more than general public, and must be tough having to sit on your hands.
    I know the feeling of wanting to say something, but can't because of the shit storm it would create. Good luck with your firm words, just watch the fence your straddling doesn't flick up and give you a boot in the nuts
    dogmatix and PERRISCICABA like this.

  4. #94
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    Sent: Friday, 21 April 2017 9:06 p.m.
    To: 'chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz' <chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz>
    Subject: semi-automatic firearms comments

    Mr Cahill,
    You have certainly caused quite a stir amongst the 250,000 licensed firearms owners in the country and I am concerned with what can only be described as an agenda. You have risen through the ranks of police to Detective Inspector, you are not a stupid person. Firstly, you mislead NZ about the purchasing of ammunition in NZ. You stated that a firearms license is not required to purchase ammunition in this country. https://kiwigunblog.wordpress.com/20...-police-union/

    More recently you again misled the country in regards to semi-automatic firearms in the country. Mr Cahill, semi-automatic firearms are NOT easily converted to fully automatic. If they were, then they would be all over the place in criminal hands. But you already knew that didn’t you? Apart from that, when a sample of a new semi auto firearm is assessed by PNHQ for approval, they check to make sure that it can't be readily converted to full auto. If it can, it won't be approved by the armorer.

    If you actually believe that semis really are "easy to turn into full automatics" then you must also believe that PNHQ, specifically the armorer, are incompetent and are failing to do their own jobs. You either deliberately mislead NZ, or believe that police staff are incompetent. But given your history of passing off anecdotes as hard fact (sitting with hunters by the campfire, really? Get a grip), and just plucking numbers to suit your agenda lying is the most likely scenario.

    I note that on the NZ police association web site mission/vison/values page https://www.policeassn.org.nz/about-...tives-/-vision it states: In the pursuit of our mission the Association will:
    • Act with honesty and integrity
    Your actions are not consistent with honest and integrity Mr Cahill. I am amazed that the police association is willing to accept the level of honesty and integrity from its president that you have demonstrated. To the point that if one of my soldiers had carried out similar behaviour, I would have charged them with bringing the service into disrepute.

    As such, complaints have been laid to the NZ broadcasting standards authority, Radio New Zealand, the IPCA, the NZ Police association, and several MP’s. By many of us, the law abiding firearms license holders. The responsible people of society, deemed fit and proper to own firearms. You are persecuting the wrong people Mr Cahill, you should be focussing on actions that have an impact on the criminal elements of New Zealand, Not the law Abiding.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    Sent: Friday, 21 April 2017 9:06 p.m.
    To: 'chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz' <chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz>
    Subject: semi-automatic firearms comments

    Mr Cahill,
    You have certainly caused quite a stir amongst the 250,000 licensed firearms owners in the country and I am concerned with what can only be described as an agenda. You have risen through the ranks of police to Detective Inspector, you are not a stupid person. Firstly, you mislead NZ about the purchasing of ammunition in NZ. You stated that a firearms license is not required to purchase ammunition in this country. https://kiwigunblog.wordpress.com/20...-police-union/

    More recently you again misled the country in regards to semi-automatic firearms in the country. Mr Cahill, semi-automatic firearms are NOT easily converted to fully automatic. If they were, then they would be all over the place in criminal hands. But you already knew that didn’t you? Apart from that, when a sample of a new semi auto firearm is assessed by PNHQ for approval, they check to make sure that it can't be readily converted to full auto. If it can, it won't be approved by the armorer.

    If you actually believe that semis really are "easy to turn into full automatics" then you must also believe that PNHQ, specifically the armorer, are incompetent and are failing to do their own jobs. You either deliberately mislead NZ, or believe that police staff are incompetent. But given your history of passing off anecdotes as hard fact (sitting with hunters by the campfire, really? Get a grip), and just plucking numbers to suit your agenda lying is the most likely scenario.

    I note that on the NZ police association web site mission/vison/values page https://www.policeassn.org.nz/about-...tives-/-vision it states: In the pursuit of our mission the Association will:
    •Act with honesty and integrity
    Your actions are not consistent with honest and integrity Mr Cahill. I am amazed that the police association is willing to accept the level of honesty and integrity from its president that you have demonstrated. To the point that if one of my soldiers had carried out similar behaviour, I would have charged them with bringing the service into disrepute.

    As such, complaints have been laid to the NZ broadcasting standards authority, Radio New Zealand, the IPCA, the NZ Police association, and several MP’s. By many of us, the law abiding firearms license holders. The responsible people of society, deemed fit and proper to own firearms. You are persecuting the wrong people Mr Cahill, you should be focussing on actions that have an impact on the criminal elements of New Zealand, Not the law Abiding.
    I wish I was that eloquent, really well written but a smackdown at the same time.

    Sent from my GT-I9295 using Tapatalk

  6. #96
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    Sent: Friday, 21 April 2017 9:06 p.m.
    To: 'chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz' <chris.cahill@policeassn.org.nz>
    Subject: semi-automatic firearms commentso

    Mr Cahill,
    You have certainly caused quite a stir amongst the 250,000 licensed firearms owners in the country and I am concerned with what can only be described as an agenda. You have risen through the ranks of police to Detective Inspector, you are not a stupid person. Firstly, you mislead NZ about the purchasing of ammunition in NZ. You stated that a firearms license is not required to purchase ammunition in this country. https://kiwigunblog.wordpress.com/20...-police-union/

    More recently you again misled the country in regards to semi-automatic firearms in the country. Mr Cahill, semi-automatic firearms are NOT easily converted to fully automatic. If they were, then they would be all over the place in criminal hands. But you already knew that didn’t you? Apart from that, when a sample of a new semi auto firearm is assessed by PNHQ for approval, they check to make sure that it can't be readily converted to full auto. If it can, it won't be approved by the armorer.

    If you actually believe that semis really are "easy to turn into full automatics" then you must also believe that PNHQ, specifically the armorer, are incompetent and are failing to do their own jobs. You either deliberately mislead NZ, or believe that police staff are incompetent. But given your history of passing off anecdotes as hard fact (sitting with hunters by the campfire, really? Get a grip), and just plucking numbers to suit your agenda lying is the most likely scenario.

    I note that on the NZ police association web site mission/vison/values page https://www.policeassn.org.nz/about-...tives-/-vision it states: In the pursuit of our mission the Association will:
    • Act with honesty and integrity
    Your actions are not consistent with honest and integrity Mr Cahill. I am amazed that the police association is willing to accept the level of honesty and integrity from its president that you have demonstrated. To the point that if one of my soldiers had carried out similar behaviour, I would have charged them with bringing the service into disrepute.

    As such, complaints have been laid to the NZ broadcasting standards authority, Radio New Zealand, the IPCA, the NZ Police association, and several MP’s. By many of us, the law abiding firearms license holders. The responsible people of society, deemed fit and proper to own firearms. You are persecuting the wrong people Mr Cahill, you should be focussing on actions that have an impact on the criminal elements of New Zealand, Not the law Abiding.
    Has someone forward it to any "Media outlet" suggesting they do their job and find out what is really going on?

  7. #97
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Chris Cahill is single handedly destroying what is left of the relationship that exists with firearm user groups and police. While it is clear that the police, and the police association, are seperate entities, the police association claims to represent over 8000 police officers (ergo do they claim to represent all police?), and it's head has been pushing an agenda with flat out lies. It is ok to have a different opinion, but when you are actively pushing said opinion, in public, with lies and sensationalism, you are bringing who you represent into disrepute.

  8. #98
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PERRISCICABA View Post
    Has someone forward it to any "Media outlet" suggesting they do their job and find out what is really going on?
    I tried with my local rag but did not even get a reply to my email.

    Any half decent journalist who had done even one night of research would tear him apart.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Just to attempt to dispel the myth that America is a "free for all" as far as firearms are concerned - a myth that has been debunked as much as it's been perpetuated. They have some pretty restrictive and ridiculous laws:

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    Shit they have some cool toys.

  11. #101
    Join Date
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    Here is what Paula Bennett reply to my email I sent couple weeks back...
    Thanks for taking the time to write and provide your feedback on Parliament’s report into firearms.

    I’ve got a family full of recreational hunters and fishers so I understand where you are coming from. My focus is on seeing fewer guns in the hands of criminals, and not on unduly burdening responsible firearms owners.

    After an initial look at the recommendations I can see several that probably won’t be progressed, but more work needs to be done. We are working through our response over the new few weeks and I will be getting in independent advisors from the hunting and sport shooting community to assist me.

    I'll send you an update when we have some progress to report. I do appreciate your feedback and officials are going through the almost 300 emails we’ve received.


    Paula Bennett
    Minister of Police"
    JasonW likes this.

  12. #102
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PERRISCICABA View Post
    Here is what Paula Bennett reply to my email I sent couple weeks back...
    Thanks for taking the time to write and provide your feedback on Parliament’s report into firearms.

    I’ve got a family full of recreational hunters and fishers so I understand where you are coming from. My focus is on seeing fewer guns in the hands of criminals, and not on unduly burdening responsible firearms owners.

    After an initial look at the recommendations I can see several that probably won’t be progressed, but more work needs to be done. We are working through our response over the new few weeks and I will be getting in independent advisors from the hunting and sport shooting community to assist me.

    I'll send you an update when we have some progress to report. I do appreciate your feedback and officials are going through the almost 300 emails we’ve received.


    Paula Bennett
    Minister of Police"
    I got the same. What concerns me is the "almost 300 emails". Out of 240,000 licence holders, that's not much of a response.
    Not enough people know about the proposed changes.
    A bit of a rough workout: NZDA, and other shooting organisations......30,000 people?
    Forums,only about 20-30 people/forum acting on it....200?
    Facebook............maybe another 100?
    This leaves a hell off a lot of people either not knowing, or sitting back thinking it won't happen. Of these people, most couldn't care about MSSAs being banned because it doesn't affect them. Some will accept that semi auto rifles and shotguns being changed category, because they only use them one weekend a year.
    They'll try and divide and conquer each group, but I hope everyone backs each group for the long haul.

    My challenge to all of you, is to let every licence holder know about this, and send emails etc to the relevant parties/people.
    Almost 90% of holders don't know what's going on, once it's done, it's to late to try and claw it back.

    As I said, those numbers are only a guesstimate. I could be well out, but the fact remains, only a very minute amount of affected people are reacting to this.
    mikee, PERRISCICABA and Awaian like this.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I did and do share everything i can or get from Facebook to email's, to my NZDA branch to my still not so accessible Pistol club and i wish more people would act towards it as well… I am sure many of us in this forum have expressed their concerns and opinions but we DO need more…

  14. #104
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    I got the same. What concerns me is the "almost 300 emails". Out of 240,000 licence holders, that's not much of a response.
    Not enough people know about the proposed changes.
    A bit of a rough workout: NZDA, and other shooting organisations......30,000 people?
    Forums,only about 20-30 people/forum acting on it....200?
    Facebook............maybe another 100?
    This leaves a hell off a lot of people either not knowing, or sitting back thinking it won't happen. Of these people, most couldn't care about MSSAs being banned because it doesn't affect them. Some will accept that semi auto rifles and shotguns being changed category, because they only use them one weekend a year.
    They'll try and divide and conquer each group, but I hope everyone backs each group for the long haul.

    My challenge to all of you, is to let every licence holder know about this, and send emails etc to the relevant parties/people.
    Almost 90% of holders don't know what's going on, once it's done, it's to late to try and claw it back.

    As I said, those numbers are only a guesstimate. I could be well out, but the fact remains, only a very minute amount of affected people are reacting to this.
    it doesnt include the comments on her face book page, and comments by fish and game etc. Yes its a poor turnout, but i don think its QUITE as bad. I agree its probably due to people not knowing. Its pretty obvious to me its the government practicing the illusion of democracy. With the comments in the Australasian police document that is being shown around (before the select committee) and the UN stuff - the government is doing what it has to by law, and acknowledging commentary without committing in order to be perceived as listening. Ultimately doing the bare minimum, what is required by law, and carrying on with its own agenda.

    Look how many times cahill has been caught out lying. No comment from the police association, or the ministers. IPCA couldn't care less, they fobbed me off, and the media doesn't care because is only shooters that are being affected, they dont see the bigger picture of abuse of power. And lets face it, the average person is a complete dumb arse, so they cant see he bigger picture, which means it wont attract hits/views/commentary that the media is after. ergo, media doesn't care

  15. #105
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Have not kept up with the thread but is this Cahill guy elected?

    Also is this been posted in the other room?



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