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Thread: Call to Arms

  1. #196
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Surely it would make more sense not to believe all the hysterical shit posted about police reclassifying all AR15s without some proof other than what someone posted on Facebook?
    I tend to believe the dealers (whose livelihood depends on their dealing in firearms) that were approached by police and told this very thing:

    Quote Originally Posted by NZAR15.com Facebook page

    Fuck where do I start.

    As a business I rely on a positive relationship with Police HQ. They administer the Arms Act. They control my business.

    I have witnessed a lot of bullshit over the last 18 months from Police HQ. Implementation of policies that do everthing to hinder law abiding firearm owners. You will have seen a few of the antics published on FOUNZ. However I have ALWAYS played their game so that I could stay in business. I have gone beyond what I think any other dealer would do, to be seen as nothing but an honest and upstanding dealer.
    For example twice this year I have had parts that have come through customs that I didn't order. I asked the AO to come around and take them away for destruction. This was thousands of dollars worth of gear.
    So on Saturday why would I bite the hand that feeds me. Why would I take my version of events to FOUNZ?
    On Friday I was told by my AO that he could no longer issue import permits for A Category AR15s and A Cat AR15 receivers. That instead I need to apply for these as E Cat and provide a business case to convert them to A Cat on landing in NZ. Thinking of my business and my lively hood with alarm bells going off, I feebly agreed. In the meantime I rang the lawyer for advice. His recommendation was no don't do it. I quickly got back in touch with the Arms Officer and said no. I want these as A Cat only. He then resubmitted my permits as A Cat. I also told him I wanted a confirmation by the end of the day how they were going to treat my application.
    At the close of business I was told "Sorry but there will be no decision today - will keep you updated"
    A sleepless night later I decided that this needed to go public.

    I'm over this shit from Police HQ. Ive had enough. Please read between the lines of anything they publish.

    So, the above combined with police's recent track record of releasing hard copies of their policy changes (at significant tax payer expense) and then suddenly performing an about turn on those policies, with the lamest excuse imaginable, their fabricated campaign with their media allies about the firearm crime "problem"... It's another in a series of events that does not cast their integrity in a positive light.

    Or, if giving them the benefit of the doubt - it at perhaps shows the arms officer and POLHQ are not communicating effectively.
    Last edited by Ryan; 13-06-2017 at 07:20 PM. Reason: Added last line.
    mikee, Tommy, 300CALMAN and 1 others like this.

  2. #197
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    At the moment I am more likely to believe Farcebook than PHQ. Sad aye...
    veitnamcam, mikee and Danger Mouse like this.

  3. #198
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Surely it would make more sense not to believe all the hysterical shit posted about police reclassifying all AR15s without some proof other than what someone posted on Facebook?
    Re-read the post Trollboy: anything could be true with the current administration. I'm not ever going to believe everything I see on Faecesbook, nor am I going to take anything a Troll says seriously either.... especially when they chose to start a sentence with "surely"
    300CALMAN likes this.

  4. #199
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Surely it would make more sense not to believe all the hysterical shit posted about police reclassifying all AR15s without some proof other than what someone posted on Facebook?
    I dunno, I'd believe Ken over any AO these days, no problem, they're a pack of lying conniving cunts. Now, some random troll (#1003309) on the internet?
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  5. #200
    Member nzfubz's Avatar
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    Ministers response:

    Hon Paula Bennett
    Minister of Police
    14 June 2017
    Media Statement
    Government response to firearms select committee report
    Police Minister Paula Bennett has today responded to the Law and Order Select Committee report on issues relating to the illegal possession of firearms.
    The Select Committee’s terms of reference were to focus on how widespread firearms possession is amongst criminals – including gangs, how those people who don’t have a firearms licence come into possession of firearms and what changes, if any, would restrict the flow of firearms to criminals, gangs and people who don’t hold a licence.
    “The committee made 20 recommendations. After careful consideration I’ve accepted seven, rejected 12, and recommended one proceed with changes,” Mrs Bennett says.
    “We needed to strike the right balance between public safety and the rights of legal firearms owners. Although the report was well intended, I believe many of the recommendations would not decrease the flow of firearms to criminals and gangs but would unduly impact on legally licenced firearms users.
    “I appointed two independent firearms experts to advise me. I’ve listened to their advice, advice from Police, read the recommendations from the select committee and I’ve taken on board feedback from the public.
    “After careful consideration I have added two more recommendations to my response. One proposes the introduction of the power to suspend licences pending decision on revocation. This will give Police an alternative to cancelling a licence, for example in situations where someone has been charged with family violence, or where there are security issues that need to be resolved.
    “I’m also proposing a Ministerial direction to the Police to require consultation with the firearms community when considering changes to the Arms Act and the interpretation of it.
    “Nobody wants firearms getting into the hands of violent gang members but we also don’t want over the top rules and restrictions to be placed on hunters and shooters who manage their firearms responsibly.”
    “My response to the report has been tabled in Parliament. We will now begin a policy process around the recommendations we are progressing which will involve consultation, looking at costs and any regulatory impacts before coming back to Cabinet for approval later this year,” Mrs Bennett says.
    Summary of the Government Response
    Recommendation Number
    Summarised Recommendation
    Government Response Summarised
    Sale and supply of firearms and ammunition
    A firearms licence required to possess ammunition
    A dealer’s licence required to sell ammunition
    Dealers required to keep records of ammunition sales
    Registration process for websites facilitating trading in firearms, parts, or ammunition
    Amend recommendation - Do not introduce registration but clarify ‘mail order’ process applies to online sales in Arms Amendment Bill
    Permit to procure extended to cover all sales or transfers of firearms (i.e. include A category firearms)
    Reject - but improve efficiency in current licensing and permitting processes.
    Definition of military-style semi-automatics
    Investigate the creation of a category of restricted semi-automatic rifle and shotgun
    Effectiveness of licensing, training, and registering firearms
    Implement firearm prohibition orders
    Accept - include in the Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill
    Codify the ‘fit and proper’ criteria in the Arms Act
    Implement a stand-down period after licence revocation
    Accept - include a 12 month stand -own period in the Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill
    Clarify that gang members or prospects must not be considered ‘fit and proper’ to possess firearms
    Accept - include in the Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill
    Require Police to record serial numbers of all firearms upon renewal of licence or inspection of premises
    Reject – voluntary process to continue
    Criminal offending with firearms
    Review the penalties in the Arms Act
    Accept - progress in Arms Amendment Bill
    Treat dealer offending as aggravated at sentencing
    Determine appropriate security standards for A category licences
    Accept - Police/firearms community advisory forum already commenced this process
    Secure storage confirmed before licence or endorsement received
    Allow Police to enter premises to inspect security of A category firearms
    Failure to comply with storage regulations to result in mandatory revocation
    Reject - but note new suspension of licence
    Reducing the number of grey firearms
    Clarify and publicise the extent of amnesty provisions in the Arms Act 1983
    Accept - to progress in Arms Amendment Bill
    Police publicise amnesty provisions
    Check that firearms brought in on visitors permit are exported or transferred legally
    Accept (administrative)
    Additional Government Recommendations
    Provide the power to suspend licences
    Include in the Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill
    Police to improve its consultative processes with the firearms community
    Propose to give a Ministerial Directive to this end
    Gibo and Tommy like this.
    "Does the brain control you or are you controlling the brain? I don't know if I'm in charge of mine." - Karl Pilkington

  6. #201
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    I'm no expert but that seems quite reasonable? Can anyone call out any fish hooks?

  7. #202
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    I'm no expert but that seems quite reasonable? Can anyone call out any fish hooks?
    That's a 10/10 result for us I reckon
    Gibo and 300CALMAN like this.
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  8. #203
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    That's a 10/10 result for us I reckon

  9. #204
    Member nzfubz's Avatar
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    I agree good result all things considered and how it could have gone.
    "Does the brain control you or are you controlling the brain? I don't know if I'm in charge of mine." - Karl Pilkington

  10. #205
    Join Date
    May 2016
    The committee got a real slapping. Looks like the government is realizing the number of votes walking away. Now to give the nz police an equal slapping over their antics.
    Last edited by Danger Mouse; 14-06-2017 at 11:57 AM.
    Tommy likes this.

  11. #206
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson

  12. #207
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Yes, excellent result.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  13. #208
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    The scaremongering continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by Police Association
    In one Police district alone, officers seized 525 firearms, and recorded 461 offences involving either breaches of the Arms Act or criminal use of a firearm in the last fiscal year,” Mr Cahill said.
    I'd be interested to know what number are air rifles or toys. Also glaringly conspicuous by its absence in this press release is the word "semi-automatic".
    veitnamcam likes this.

  14. #209
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

    The scaremongering continues...

    I'd be interested to know what number are air rifles or toys.
    Id be more interested to know how the lying bullshit artist cahill, thinks that placing restrictions on the law abiding will magically stop criminals form having firearms.

    We know he just makes shit up, wouldnt surprise me if those numbers were too.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  15. #210
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    Id be more interested to know how the lying bullshit artist cahill, thinks that placing restrictions on the law abiding will magically stop criminals form having firearms.
    Well that part's easy. He doesn't have to because crime reduction is not the purpose of this whole palava - it's only being window dressed as such. It's simply about control. Meth is a far more serious problem in this country and causes infinitely more societal and structural damage than illegal firearms, the latter tending to be readily associated with the former.

    gadgetman and Tommy like this.



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